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The tabular views make heavy use of Angular directives, to keep the source code concise. However, it can be tricky to understand what all those non-standard-HTML attributes are for. This page sheds some light on the mystery. In addition, further configuration options / variants are described.

Notes on Directives

Refresh Button

The refresh button is declared something like this:

<div class="refresh" ng-class="{active: autoRefresh}"
     icon icon-size="36" icon-id="refresh"
     tooltip tt-msg="autoRefreshTip"


The refresh class is defined in table.css to style the <div> element appropriately for light and dark themes, when active or hovered-over.

ng-class="{active: autoRefresh}"

The ng-class directive is provided by Angular and adds the specified class to the element if the condition is true. In this case, if the autoRefresh boolean (defined on our controller scope) is true, then the active class is applied to the <div> element.

icon icon-id="refresh" icon-size="36"

The icon directive injects an icon with the given icon-id into the <div> element. icon-size="36" is the recommended size for table button icons.

If you really want to get into the guts of the code, see the definition of the icon directive in icon.js.

tooltip tt-msg="autoRefreshTip"

The tooltip directive uses the string stored on the scope variable autoRefreshTip to populate a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the button.


The ng-click directive, provided by Angular, invokes the toggleRefresh() function (defined on our scope) when the user clicks on the <div> element.

Notes on Main Table


The onos-table-resize directive monitors the browser window and resizes the table elements whenever the window size changes. See table.js for the gory details.


Note that the table view makes use of two HTML <table> elements; the first for the (non-scrolling) table headers, and the second for the (scrolling) table contents:


Table Header

onos-sortable-header & sortable

The onos-sortable-header directive injects a click handler into every <td> element in the header that has a sortable attribute defined (see table.js for details).

The handler toggles the sort state between ascending and descending sort direction, as well as inserting the sort direction icons (up and down arrows) into the element. In addition, a sort request event is fired off to the server to re-fetch the table data, sorted with the new criteria.

Table Column Options

The first thing to note about the table columns is that the column headers use td tags (not th tags).

Columns may be labeled, or have no label at all (e.g. for columns with icons). The following table lists the possible options to be applied to a column:

Required for
col-widthattribute col-width with pixel valueSets column to that specific width in pixelsonos-table-resize
table-iconclassSets column width to a good size for iconsonos-table-resize
colIdattribute colId with valueUsed to identify columns for sorting in ascending or descending orderonos-sortable-header
sortableattribute without valueAllows that column to be sortableonos-sortable-header

See the following code snippet for an example:

<div class="table-header"
     onos-sortable-header sort-callback="sortCallback(requestParams)">
             <td colId="active" class="table-icon" sortable></td>
             <td colId="id" sortable>Foo ID </td>
             <td colId="bar" sortable>Bar </td>
             <td colId="baz" sortable>Baz </td>
             <td colId="desc" col-width="475px">Description </td>

Table Body

A typical table body might look something like this:

<div class="table-body">
        <tr ng-if="!tableData.length" class="no-data">
            <td colspan="5">
                No Foos found :(
        <tr ng-repeat="foo in tableData track by $index"
            ng-click="selectCallback($event, foo)"
            ng-class="{selected: foo === sel}">
            <td class="table-icon">
                <div icon icon-id="{{foo._iconid_active}}"></div>

The first <tr> element is made visible only if there are no rows of table data.

The second <tr> element is a pattern that is used repeatedly by Angular to create a row for every element in the tableData variable (defined on our controller scope). Note the icon column <td> is classed with "table-icon" so that it is sized correctly.

Table Row Options

If you wish to create a table where one item spans multiple rows, you can specify your data <tr> elements to look something like this:

<tr ng-repeat-start="foo in tableData track by $index">
    <td class="desc" colspan="4">{{foo.desc}}</td>
<tr ng-repeat-end>
    <td class="instructions" colspan="4">{{foo.instructions}}</td>

Note the use of the ng-repeat-start directive in the first row, and the ng-repeat-end directive in the last.

With appropriate styling, the rows can be made to look as if they belong together. The Intent View makes use of this technique. (See intent.html and intent.css for more details)




  • No labels