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  1. Configure CAM

    (conf)#cam-acl l2acl 2 ipv4acl 2 ipv6acl 0 ipv4qos 0 l2qos 1 l2pt 0 ipmacacl 0 vman-qos 0 ecfmacl 0 openflow 8
    (conf)#cam-acl-vlan vlanopenflow 1 vlaniscsi 1  vlanaclopt 0
  2. Reboot the switch

    System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: yes
    Proceed with reload [confirm yes/no]: yes
  3. Create openflow instance

    (conf)#openflow of-instance 1
    (conf-of-instance-1)#controller 1 tcp [ change to your controller ip ]
    (conf-of-instance-1)#flow-map l2 enable
    (conf-of-instance-1)#flow-map l3 enable
    (conf-of-instance-1)#interface-type any
    (conf-of-instance-1)#multiple-fwd-table enable
    (conf-of-instance-1)#of-version 1.3
  4. Add interfaces to the openflow instance

    (conf)#interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/0 [ change to your network ports]
    (conf-if-te-0/0)#of-instance 1
    (conf-if-te-0/0)#no switch-port
    (conf-if-te-0/0)#no shutdown
  5. Enable the openflow instance

    (conf)#openflow of-instance 1
    (conf-of-instance-1)#no shutdown
  6. Ensure that the network configuration file loaded on to the controller matches the configuration of the hardware.

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