Due to a ransomware attack, the wiki was reverted to a July 2022 version. . We apologize for the lack of a more recent valid backup.
JSON Format
During a flow POST request to the ONOS REST APIs the passed JSON data can contain different objects in the criteria array . This is an example of a JSON document with all the possible criterion. Any combination of zero or more of these criterion will work in a POST request.
{ "priority": 400000, "timeout": 0, "isPermanent": true, "deviceId": "of:0000000000000001", "treatment": { "instructions": [ { "type": "OUTPUT", "port": "CONTROLLER" } ] }, "selector": { "criteria": [ { "type": "ETH_TYPE", "ethType": "0x88cc" }, { "type": "ETH_DST", "mac": "00:00:11:00:00:01" }, { "type": "ETH_SRC", "mac": "00:00:11:00:00:01" }, { "type": "IN_PORT", "port": "1" }, { "type": "IN_PHY_PORT", "port": "1" }, { "type": "METADATA", "metadata": "0x1000" }, { "type": "VLAN_VID", "vlanId": "1" }, { "type": "VLAN_PCP", "priority": "1" }, { "type": "INNER_VLAN_VID", "innerVlanId": "1" }, { "type": "INNER_VLAN_PCP", "innerPriority": "1" }, { "type": "IP_DSCP", "ipDscp": 1 }, { "type": "IP_ECN", "ipEcn": 1 }, { "type": "IP_PROTO", "protocol": 1 }, { "type": "IPV4_SRC", "ip": "" }, { "type": "IPV4_DST", "ip": "" }, { "type": "TCP_SRC", "tcpPort": 1 }, { "type": "TCP_DST", "ethType": 1 }, { "type": "UDP_SRC", "tcpPort": 1 }, { "type": "UDP_DST", "ethType": 1 }, { "type": "SCTP_SRC", "sctpPort": 1 }, { "type": "SCTP_DST", "sctpPort": 1 }, { "type": "ICMPV4_TYPE", "icmpType": "1" }, { "type": "ICMPV4_CODE", "icmpCode": 1 }, { "type": "IPV6_SRC", "ip": "1111::2222/64" }, { "type": "IPV6_DST", "ip": "1111::2222/64" }, { "type": "IPV6_FLABEL", "flowlabel": 1 }, { "type": "ICMPV6_TYPE", "icmpv6Type": 1 }, { "type": "ICMPV6_CODE", "icmpv6Code": 1 }, { "type": "IPV6_ND_TARGET", "targetAddress": "1111::2222" }, { "type": "IPV6_ND_SLL", "mac": "00:00:11:00:00:01" }, { "type": "IPV6_ND_TLL", "mac": "00:00:11:00:00:01" }, { "type": "MPLS_LABEL", "label": 1 }, { "type": "IPV6_EXTHDR", "exthdrFlags": 1 }, { "type": "OCH_SIGID", "lambda": 1 }, { "type": "GRID_TYPE", "gridType": DWDM }, { "type": "CHANNEL_SPACING", "channelSpacing": 100 }, { "type": "SPACING_MULIPLIER", "spacingMultiplier": 4 }, { "type": "SLOT_GRANULARITY", "slotGranularity": 8 }, { "type": "OCH_SIGID", "ochSignalId": 1 }, { "type": "TUNNEL_ID", "tunnelId": 5 }, { "type": "OCH_SIGTYPE", "ochSignalType": 1 }, { "type": "ODU_SIGID", "oduSignalId": 1 "tributaryPortNumber": 11 "tributarySlotBitmap": bitmap "type": "ETH_TYPE", "tributarySlotLen": 1 }, { "type": "ODU_SIGTYPE", "oduSignalType": 4 }, ] } }
Key and field description
The following table describes the type and the value format of the fields.