This is an archive of the ONOS 1.5 wiki. For the current ONOS wiki, look here.

REST API Documentation (Swagger)

Swagger UI is a tool to visualize and document REST API's in a sandbox environment. The resource reads in the API specification from a single JSON file which is generated through the OnosSwaggerMojo class under the onos-maven-plugin. The OnosSwaggerMojo class allows flexibility by using QDox to sweep through API resource files and process annotations (JAX-RS and Javadocs) to build the JSON file using consumed by Swagger UI.

Creating the Documentation 

OnosSwaggerMojo begins by looking for a "@path" annotation to decide whether a class contains REST API's. If it finds one it then:

  • Creates a tag for the class so that all API's underneath a class are grouped together 
  • Searches through each method looking for API methods and documenting
    • Method type (Get, Post, Put, Delete), summary, description, tags (which class it belongs to) 
    • Parameters: in (Path, Query, or Body), descriptions, type (String, integer, number, boolean), required
    • Swagger json schema: @onos.rsModel <Json_schema_file_name_without_extension> javadoc annotation and a .json schema file in the dircrectory <app_path>/src/main/resources/definitions. An example can be seen with the DHCP app.
  • Responses: Types of response codes returned and their associated meanings
  • Produces/consumes: application type returned or consumed by the API (ex. "application/json")

The JSON file is written to onos/web/api/target/classes/SwaggerConfig/SwaggerConfileFile.json

For further Swagger requirements/configuration see the Swagger spec

Using Swagger UI

Eventually the JSON file is fed into Swagger UI which provides a sandbox for using ONOS's REST API's:



The OnosSwaggerMojo can be used to generate Swagger compliant documentation for any REST API that applications on top of ONOS provide. 


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