Nominee’s bio
Charles Chan, Ph.D.
Member of Technical Staff, Open Networking Foundation
How long have been working in the Ambassador Program?
I am one of seven founding members of the Ambassador Program and thus I have been working on Ambassador Program since the very beginning. I also serve the ONOS community as a super module owner and the CORD community as a core contributor. In addition, I am a co-founder of SDNDS-TW, a local SDN community in Taiwan that has more than 1,000 members.
What contributions have you made in the past to the Ambassador Program?
I have been involved in the ambassador program as various roles.
As an ambassador, I have (co)hosted local community meetup. I also speak about ONF projects in numerous local and international events (e.g. ONF Connect, Korea ONOS WG, SDNDS-TW)
As a mentor, I have interviewed several applicants from time to time. I am currently supporting 5 ambassadors in US and South-East Asia, helping them arranging various events and promoting ONOS/CORD locally and globally.
As a ambassador steering team founding member, I helped drafting the budget requests procedure and the steering team election procedure.
What are you actively working on in the Ambassador Program?
I continue to provide support for my mentees and continue to organize community meetup regularly. I also occasionally reach out to people and seek for collaboration opportunities. I have also been helping the ONF DevRel efforts recently.
Why do you feel you would be a good candidate for this position?
I am a open source enthusiast and I love working with people from different countries with different backgrounds. I have been involved in various open source project for more than 10 years. I joined the Ambassador Program since the beginning and thus I am very familiar with how everything is organized. I am also an active ONOS/CORD core developer, which enables me to provide technical supports to the community.
Are there any changes you would like to bring to the community if elected into this position?
I would like to make sure the hard works contributed by the community members are visible to and recognized by the community.