Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

This page assumes that the reader has successfully followed Installing and Running ONOS.

IDE Setup

The project does not enforce the use of a specific IDE, but rather, a set of guidelines that can be configured in an IDE. As such, developers should consult the documentation for the IDE of choice for specific configuration steps. 


titlegit-review + Mac

If you're using a Mac, you may need to manually upgrade the git-review package dependency. (git-review bug#1337701)

$ sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ sudo pip install --upgrade git-review

Java and Maven

Build failures may occur if multiple Java versions are installed, and Maven is pointed to the incorrect version i.e. if there is a mismatch in Java versions reported by commands  mvn --version and java -version.


The best way to prevent this version mismatch is to install Maven before Java 8.

Upgrading to Java 8

For OS X, the latest Oracle Java 8 SDK can be downloaded from Oracle. 

For Ubuntu, the following steps will upgrade the installation to Java 8:

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$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default -y

You will have to accept the Oracle binary license terms


Setting JAVA_HOME 

If not set automatically during the Java 8 installation process, The JAVA_HOME environment variable should be set to the JRE installation location for Java 8. The process for verifying/setting the proper version varies with platform.


The current JAVA_HOME may be verified with:

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$ /usr/libexec/java_home

To set the version, either run or add the following to the shell profile:

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$ export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)

On Ubuntu

To verify the JAVA_HOME:

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$ env | grep JAVA_HOME

If JAVA_HOME is not set or incorrect, either run or add the following to the shell profile:

Code Block
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle

Building API Docs

To build a local set of the ONOS Java API documentation bundle, use the onos-build-docs utility, which uses Maven to generate both internal and external documentation. 
