Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


<img src="", alt="SRMulticast", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">

commit babde9cbb29f55971e7f3b25b9e35d6bf85ed4c2 c44ccc7dd03f06d81ddd60791f87aae634cc85ab (HEAD -] master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Daniel Park pierventre [danpier@opennetworking.mcpark84@gmail.comorg]
AuthorDate: Tue Mon Mar 9 1322 22:3717:42 21 2021 +09000100
Commit: Jian Li [pyguni@gmail.comPier Luigi Ventre []
CommitDate: Fri Wed Mar 12 0024 15:4817:18 20 2021 +0000
Implement Internal Routing Capability.
[AETHER-1324] Force push pipeline config
(cherry picked from commit cc8e746f203dc457e5bb914ca4995910d7fc6e9ece191fe9983698b3988bee8e6e8c41382ab1fce3)

Case 1: Create a Multicast flow between a source and sink on the same dual-tor leaf



  • 1.1 Constructing test variables - PASS (tick)
  • 1.2 Apply cell to environment - PASS (tick)
  • 1.3 Uninstalling Atomix - PASS (tick)
  • 1.4 Uninstalling ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 1.5 Creating ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 1.6 Installing Atomix - PASS (tick)
  • 1.7 Installing ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 1.8 Set up ONOS secure SSH - PASS (tick)
  • 1.9 Checking ONOS service - PASS (tick)
  • 1.10 Starting ONOS CLI sessions - PASS (tick)
  • 1.11 Checking ONOS nodes - PASS (tick)
  • 1.12 Checking ONOS applications - PASS (tick)
  • 1.13 Set logging levels - PASS (tick)
  • 1.14 Set ONOS configurations - No Result (warning)
  • 1.15 Load configurations - PASS (tick)
  • 1.16 Starting Mininet Topology - PASS (tick)
  • 1.17 Start Scapy CLIs - No Result (warning)
  • 1.18 Verify host IP address assignment in ONOS - PASS (tick)
  • 1.19 Verify IP address assignment from hosts - PASS (tick)
  • 1.20 Install ipv4 multicast route - No Result (warning)
  • 1.21 Verify ipv4 multicast traffic - PASS (tick)
  • 1.22 Remove sink 00:AA:00:00:00:03/None of route ipv4 - No Result (warning)
  • 1.23 Verify ipv4 multicast traffic - PASS (tick)
  • 1.24 Remove source [u'00:AA:00:00:00:02/None'] of route ipv4 - No Result (warning)
  • 1.25 Verify ipv4 multicast traffic - PASS (tick)
  • 1.26 Stopping Mininet - PASS (tick)

Case 2

Case 1: Create a Multicast flow between a source and sink on the same dual-tor leaf - FAIL


: Create a Multicast flow between a source and sink on


different dual-tor


leaves - FAIL



2: Create a Multicast flow between a source and sink on


different dual-tor


leaves - FAIL