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In this tutorial we will show you how to generate an ONOS bundle template. This makes it easy for you to add either an ONOS service or application. We will be using maven archetypes to generate our template, therefore this link could be handy if you would like to know more about this process.

Publish the artifacts to local repository

ONOS project started using BUCK from 1.7.0 hummingbird release. If you want to build ONOS application with maven archetype, you should publish the artifacts to local repository in ~/.m2:

Code Block

Generate your ONOS application project


Code Block


You will now be asked for several pieces of specific information about the bundle you would like to generate as you can see below. Make sure to enter parameters that are appropriate for you.


Code Block
Define value for property 'groupId': :     
Define value for property 'artifactId': : foo-app
Define value for property 'version':  1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 
Define value for property 'package': :
Confirm properties configuration:
artifactId: foo-app
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
 Y: : 


After this you should see the following output:


Code Block
titleRebuild and reinstall the app
mvn clean install
onos-app localhost reinstall target/foo-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.oar


Using the ONOS command line, restart the application (or use reinstall! in the command above):

Code Block
onos> app activate


Using the ONOS command line, we now have access to the 'sample' command, which was defined by our overlay:

Code Block
onos> sample
Hello World


You can use the CLI overlay to add your own commands to the CLI for your app.  Edit the file src/main/java/org/foo/app/ to see how the sample command is implemented and the file src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/blueprint/shell-config.xml to see how new commands are integrated into the existing CLI.


Code Block
titleCreating a REST interface
onos-create-app rest foo-app 1.0.0


Now, as before, we need to build and install our application.  Since we installed it once already, we will use the reinstall command to deploy it:


ONOS can automatically generate SwaggerUI documentation for the URIs exposed in your RESTful application. After activating the application, you can visit the SwaggerUI at http://localhost:8181/v1/docs/ . You need to select Sample app REST API to test the URIs of your application.

Happy coding 

Finally your application is loaded and running withing ONOS. Also, the generation process has generated an entire project which can be loaded into your favourite JAVA editor.

Publish the artifacts to local repository

If you wish to build an application against the current ONOS master, i.e. an unreleased version, you will need to first build ONOS yourself and then publish the resulting artifacts in the Maven repository under ~/.m2/repository by running the following command:

Code Block
onos-publish -l		# publish libraries only (faster)

Happy coding 

Learn more about the Application Subsystem.

Here is a post on Sample PortStatistics Application tutorial based on template application tutorial .




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