Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
private static final String MAC = "mac";
protected String defaultColumnId() {
    return MAC;

The sample table uses the default column identifier of "id", so can rely on the default implementation.


(2b) define column identifiers:


Note that the column identifiers defined here must match the identifiers defined in the HTML snippet for (sample.html) for the view.


(2c) optionally override createTableModel() to specify custom cell formatters / comparators. The following example sets both a formatter and a comparator for the "code" column:



See additional details about table models, formatters, and comparators.

The sample table relies on the default formatter and comparator.


(2d) implement populateTable() to add rows to the supplied table model:

Code Block
protected void populateTable(TableModel tm, ObjectNode payload) {
    // ...
    List<Item> items = getItems();
    for (Item item: items) {
        populateRow(tm.addRow(), item);
private void populateRow(TableModel.Row row, Item item) {
        .cell(LABEL, item.label())
        .cell(CODE, item.code());

The sample template table uses fake data for demonstration purposes. A more realistic implementation would use one or more services to obtain the required data. The device table, for example, has an implementation something like this:

Code Block
protected void populateTable(TableModel tm, ObjectNode payload) {
    DeviceService ds = get(DeviceService.class);
    MastershipService ms = get(MastershipService.class);
    for (Device dev : ds.getDevices()) {
        populateRow(tm.addRow(), dev, ds, ms);

private void populateRow(TableModel.Row row, Device dev,
                         DeviceService ds, MastershipService ms) {
    DeviceId id =;
    String protocol = dev.annotations().value(PROTOCOL);

    row.cell(ID, id)
        .cell(MFR, dev.manufacturer())
        .cell(HW, dev.hwVersion())
        .cell(SW, dev.swVersion())
        .cell(PROTOCOL, protocol != null ? protocol : "")
        .cell(NUM_PORTS, ds.getPorts(id).size())
        .cell(MASTER_ID, ms.getMasterFor(id));


(3) define SampleDetailRequestHandler class to handle "sampleDetailRequest" events from the client. Note that this class extends the base RequestHandler class:

Code Block
private static final String SAMPLE_DETAIL_REQ = "sampleDetailsRequest";

private final class SampleDetailRequestHandler extends RequestHandler {

    private SampleDetailRequestHandler() {



(3a) implement process(...) to return detail information about the "selected" row:

Code Block
private static final String SAMPLE_DETAIL_RESP = "sampleDetailsResponse";
private static final String DETAILS = "details";
private static final String COMMENT = "comment";
private static final String RESULT = "result";

public void process(long sid, ObjectNode payload) {
    String id = string(payload, ID, "(none)");

    // SomeService ss = get(SomeService.class);
    // Item item = ss.getItemDetails(id)

    // fake data for demonstration purposes...
    Item item = getItem(id);

    ObjectNode rootNode = MAPPER.createObjectNode();
    ObjectNode data = MAPPER.createObjectNode();
    rootNode.set(DETAILS, data);

    if (item == null) {
        rootNode.put(RESULT, "Item with id '" + id + "' not found");
        log.warn("attempted to get item detail for id '{}'", id);

    } else {
        rootNode.put(RESULT, "Found item with id '" + id + "'");

        data.put(LABEL, item.label());
        data.put(CODE, item.code());
        data.put(COMMENT, "Some arbitrary comment");

    sendMessage(SAMPLE_DETAIL_RESP, 0, rootNode);