- SFC is implemented as a bundle within the VTN application in ONOSFW
- The processing of REST based APIs from Neutron are implemented in ONOS as part of SFC project
- REST APIs such as create port-pair(SF), create port-pair-group(SF group), create port-chain, create flow classifier rules are processed in ONOS
- SFC resources such as SFs, SF groups, flow classifier rules are stored in ONOS for processing the create chain request
- Interaction with VTN Resouce manager, VTNManager for various API
- Implement the logic for service chain creation and flow rule download to classifier and SFFs
- Extend the ONOS-Loxi for NSH header information download to OVS
Emu Release
Implement basic foundation for SFC
Integrate with Openstack Neutron and service the REST based APIs
Interact with VTN Resource Manager and VTN Manager. Store the SFC resources. Define service chain logic in SFC.
Basic flow rule download to classifier and SFF.
Introduce NSH header in the flows for service plane logic in SFC
Falcon Release
Improvise on the SFC features introduced in Emu release
Add specific use cases to demonstrate importance of SFC
Introduce concepts such as SFC Proxy, SF level Load balancing, global view of SFC at ONOS
Future Roadmap
Will be updated soon