Jenkins test result for 2223:55 02 on Jun 0724, 2015.
Test MultiProd
commit 8bd51bfda588096d1278696607dd2ad854e89032 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: Brian O'Connor [bocon@onlab.us]
AuthorDate: Sat Jun 6 00:39:45 2015 -0700
Commit: Brian O'Connor [bocon@onlab.us]
CommitDate: Sat Jun 6 00:39:45 2015 -0700
Adding felix.framework back to features.xml
Installing ONOS package successful
This test case adds multipoint to singlepoint intent related to SDN-IP matching on destination ip and rewrite mac address action
Ping between h8 and h10 failed. Making attempt number 2 in 2 seconds
Ping test failed.
Ping all test after multipoint to single point intent addition with rewrite mac address failedsuccessful
Result: FailedPass
Result summary for Testcase8