Due to a ransomware attack, the wiki was reverted to a July 2022 version. . We apologize for the lack of a more recent valid backup.
commit 2ea3a1268b3f10c9d51ca579b785b356a94c0bf0 a23f07db4ddba8e3251b62f805d0ddc7826d6207 (HEAD, origin/onos-1.6, onos-1.6)
Author: Sho SHIMIZU sdn [sshimizu@usdvaddire@partner.fujitsuciena.com]
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 30 1404:4712:12 54 2016 -0700
Commit: Sho SHIMIZU [sshimizu@us.fujitsu.comGerrit Code Review [gerrit@onlab.us]
CommitDate: Tue Aug 30 14:47:12 2016 -0700
Use primitive boolean because of being synchronized alreadyFri Sep 23 23:44:57 2016 +0000
Fix for ONOS-5033 hosts - dynamic or static
<iframe src="https://onos-jenkins.onlab.us/job/HAclusterRestart/plot/Plot-HA/getPlot?index=2&width=500&height=300"noborder="0" width="500" height="300" scrolling="yes" seamless="seamless"></iframe> |
- 16.1 Install Primitives app - PASS
Case 17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives - PASS
Test the methods of the distributed primitives (counters and sets) throught the cli
- 17.1 Increment then get a default counter on each node - PASS
- 17.2 Get then Increment a default counter on each node - PASS
- 17.3 Counters we added have the correct values - PASS
- 17.4 Add -8 to then get a default counter on each node - PASS
- 17.5 Add 5 to then get a default counter on each node - PASS
- 17.6 Get then add 5 to a default counter on each node - PASS
- 17.7 Counters we added have the correct values - PASS
- 17.8 Distributed Set get - PASS
- 17.9 Distributed Set size - PASS
- 17.10 Distributed Set add() - PASS
- 17.11 Distributed Set addAll() - PASS
- 17.12 Distributed Set contains() - PASS
- 17.13 Distributed Set containsAll() - PASS
- 17.14 Distributed Set remove() - PASS
- 17.15 Distributed Set removeAll() - PASS
- 17.16 Distributed Set addAll() - PASS
- 17.17 Distributed Set clear() - PASS
- 17.18 Distributed Set addAll() - PASS
- 17.19 Distributed Set retain() - PASS
- 17.20 Partitioned Transactional maps put - PASS
- 17.21 Partitioned Transactional maps get - PASS