Vidyashree Rama
Handle YANG tools generated code to extend Model Object for module, sub-module, container, list and augment.
Handle YANG tools generated classes for augmentable node to adopt to augmentation defined in Model Object.
Handle YANG tools modification to stop generation of process subtree, select leaf etc.
Builder pattern to replace with setters for generated code to provide mutability to the generated code.
YANG tools to generate service interface only for RPC and notification.
Auto generation of RPC handler, RPC commands and Register RPC class to ease application usage.
Implementation of XML serializer to carry out XML to data node/ resource id CODEC
Model converter implementation for converting resource data to model object data
Implementation of Model Object Id to support schema unaware application to create resource identifier.
Sonu Gupta
Implemented YANG schema provider context.
Defined and implemented YANG serializer helper.
Defined YANG data node listener's based walker mechanism.
Support for NETCONF active/passive component utility.
- Himanshu Ranjan
- Add ability to connect NETCONF devices through ssh
- Himanshu Ranjan