Due to a ransomware attack, the wiki was reverted to a July 2022 version. . We apologize for the lack of a more recent valid backup.
- Open - issue is open and may or may not be assigned
- In Progress - issue is open, is assigned to someone, and work is in progress
- Resolved - the assigned person has declared that the issue has been addressed, and is now waiting to be verified - when the assigned person changes the issue status to resolved, that person must reassign the issue to the person who will do the verification
- Reopened - issue is not resolved and must be returned to the open status
- Closed - everyone agrees the issue has been addressed and should no longer be considered
- Tester finds a bug, opens an issue - it is now in open status
- Component owner or manager assigns the issue to a developer to re-create the bug and fix it
- Developer agrees it is a bug, sets the issue to 'in progress', and fixes it as they see fit
- Developer moves the issue status to resolved and sets assignee to the tester who will validate the fix
- Tester agrees it is resolved and moves issue to closed --or--
- Tester disagrees it is resolved and moves issue to reopened, assigns it back to developer