(p.s. Blocks and table definition might be changed in the near future)
Packet IO ingress & egress control block
Based on NextObjective, 3 tables included in the Next control block:
- VLAN Meta
Multicast (Broadcast)
VLAN meta table:
Modify VLAN ID according to NextID
VLAN ID can be found inside metadata from NextObjective
Do nothing if table miss
Simple, Hashed, and Multicast table:
Each table matches a unique next id assigned by previous table and execute different kinds of action.※ Only one table hits in this block.
Actions in Next control block
Sets output port, output port can be any valid port for target device.
Sets VLAN ID and do output
Sets source/destination mac address and do output
Push MPLS label and do L3 routing
Sets multicast group id
Action profile group id
Make the packet processed by specific action profile group
Egress VLAN table:
This table exists in egress pipeline
Pop VLAN according to VLAN and egress port
Port Counter control block
Port counter control block includes a list of byte+packet counters, counts for different ingress and egress port
Egress Next control block
Checking fabric metadata “pop_vlan_at_egress”, if the metadata is true, pop the VLAN before sending to the egress port.