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Cardinal Release 






Release Date: 5th June, 2015

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Code Audit Results (Black Duck)

Below are the compatibility reports (pdf) powered by Black Duck Software.

 Note: The JAX-RS implementation is from Sun. It is on our class-path but we do not distribute it.

<h2>        Sub-task
<li>[<a href='ONOS-268https"'">ONOS-268</a>] -         Implement slide-out toolbar (framework)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-269https"'">ONOS-269</a>] -         Provide tool registration (icon/tooltip/callback)
<li>[<a href='ONOS-270'>ONOS-270</a>] -         Implement tools for topology view
<li>[<a href='ONOS-271'>ONOS-271</a>] -         Make Links selectable
<li>[<a href='ONOS-272'>ONOS-272</a>] -         Add requestLinkDetails event
<li>[<a href='ONOS-486'>ONOS-486</a>] -         Design and implement a framework for measuring SDN-IP performance
<li>[<a href='ONOS-576'>ONOS-576</a>] -         Assess and publish HA assessment
<li>[<a href='ONOS-641'>ONOS-641</a>] -         Update IP-related unit tests to include IPv6 as well
<li>[<a href='ONOS-821'>ONOS-821</a>] -         Add a new interfance for FlowRuleService
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-823https"'270">ONOS-823<270</a>] - Implement tools for      Implement FlowModBuilderTTP
<topology view</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-824https"'271">ONOS-824<271</a>] - Make        Modify the OFSwitchImplOVS10/13
Links selectable</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-894https"'272">ONOS-894<272</a>] - Add        Implement OFGroupProvider
<requestLinkDetails event</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-895https"'486">ONOS-895<486</a>] - Design and implement a framework for measuring  Implement GroupManager
<SDN-IP performance</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-896https"'576">ONOS-896<576</a>] - Assess and publish      Implement distributed GroupStore
<HA assessment</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-928https"'821">ONOS-928<821</a>] -    - Add a new interfance Implement distributed GroupStore
<for FlowRuleService</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-950https"'823">ONOS-950<823</a>] -         Support cross partition transactional updates.
<Implement FlowModBuilderTTP</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-969https"'824">ONOS-969<824</a>] - Modify        Extend LINC logic to create new optical port
<the OFSwitchImplOVS10/13</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-970https"'894">ONOS-970<894</a>] -         Design API for add port in LINC
<Implement OFGroupProvider</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-971https"'895">ONOS-971<895</a>] -         Extend LINC CLI with add optical port
<Implement GroupManager</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-972https"'896">ONOS-972<896</a>] -         Implement add optical port in Mininet
<distributed GroupStore</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-973https"'928">ONOS-973<928</a>] - Implement        Create a UnitTest codes
<distributed GroupStore</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-977https"'950">ONOS-977<950</a>] - Support cross partition      Update the actions in TrafficTreatment
transactional updates.</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1053https"'969">ONOS-1053<969</a>] - Extend LINC logic to create new   Fix Intent REST API and Test
<optical port</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1059https"'970">ONOS-1059<970</a>] - Design API for add port    Take a pass on comment/code cleanup
in LINC</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1061https"'971">ONOS-1061<971</a>] - Extend LINC CLI with add    Improve unit test coverage
<optical port</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1062https"'972">ONOS-1062<972</a>] - Implement add optical port     Harden/Verify &quot;error&quot; code paths
<in Mininet</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1080https"'973">ONOS-1080<973</a>] - Create a       DeviceProvider RPC
<UnitTest codes</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1082https"'977">ONOS-1082<977</a>] - Update the actions      Connect to ROADM and add device to core
<in TrafficTreatment</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1083https"'1053">ONOS-1083<1053</a>] - Fix Intent       Connect to ROADMREST API and add device to core
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1088https"'1059">ONOS-1088<1059</a>] - Take a pass on     Device vendor annotations &amp; provider selection
<comment/code cleanup</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1098https"'1061">ONOS-1098<1061</a>] - Improve unit       Mechanism to point to YANG model
<test coverage</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1099https"'1062">ONOS-1099<1062</a>] - Harden/Verify "error"       Write or reuse library to parse YANG models
<code paths</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1100https"'1080">ONOS-1100<1080</a>] -         Test YANG parser with ACL model
<DeviceProvider RPC</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1110https"'1082">ONOS-1110<1082</a>] - Connect to ROADM and add    Verify the feasibility with Internet2
<device to core</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1128https"'1083">ONOS-1128<1083</a>] - Connect        Pull port stats from to ROADM and add device to core
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1175https"'1088">ONOS-1175<1088</a>] - Device vendor annotations &amp;     Downlaod ONOS VM and understand how it works
<provider selection</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1176https"'1098">ONOS-1176<1098</a>] - Mechanism to point to     Download Jono script for mininet from SDN-IP repository and understand how it works
<YANG model</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1177https"'1099">ONOS-1177</a>] -         Create a new VM and integrate dockers according to what has been learnt from the downloaded VM
1099</a>] - Write or reuse library to parse YANG models</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1178https"'1100">ONOS-1178<1100</a>] - Test YANG parser with     Integrate the Jono script to the newly created VM
<ACL model</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1236https"'1110">ONOS-1236<1110</a>] - Verify the feasibility      Server-side handler registration mechanism
<with Internet2</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1237https"'1128">ONOS-1237<1128</a>] - Pull port stats from ROADM and add  Client-side handler registration mechanism
<to core</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1238https"'1175">ONOS-1238<1175</a>] - Downlaod ONOS VM and understand how   Implement core handlers for exchange of node information
<it works</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1239https"'1176">ONOS-1239<1176</a>] - Download Jono script for mininet from   Implement client-side error handler to fail-over to another node
<SDN-IP repository and understand how it works</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1240https"'1177">ONOS-1240<1177</a>] - Create a new VM and integrate dockers  Implement topology view server-side handler registration
<according to what has been learnt from the downloaded VM</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1241https"'1178">ONOS-1241<1178</a>] - Integrate the Jono script to the newly  Implement topology view client-side handler registration
<created VM</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1246https"'1236">ONOS-1246</a>] -         Add a function to attach a IPv4 address to a host created with IPv6 address or vice versa
1236</a>] - Server-side handler registration mechanism</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1268https"'1237">ONOS-1268<1237</a>] - Client-side handler       Expose IPv6 support at the ONOS CLI level
<registration mechanism</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1269https"'1238">ONOS-1269<1238</a>] - Implement core handlers for exchange of   Expose IPv6 support at the ONOS REST level
<node information</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1270https"'1239">ONOS-1270<1239</a>] - Implement client-side error handler     IPv6 and SDN-IP: Verify the receiving of IPv6 routes over IPv6 BGP peering
to fail-over to another node</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1271https"'1240">ONOS-1271</a>] -         Add missing IPv6-related unit tests
1240</a>] - Implement topology view server-side handler registration</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1273https"'1241">ONOS-1273<1241</a>] - Implement topology view client-side     Q/A: Write IPv6 system test plan
<handler registration</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1274https"'1268">ONOS-1274<1268</a>] - Expose IPv6 support      Q/A: Implement at the IPv6ONOS system test plan
<CLI level</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1275https"'1269">ONOS-1275<1269</a>] -         Update SDN-IP system test to test receiving of IPv6 routes over IPv4 and IPv6 BGP peering
Expose IPv6 support at the ONOS REST level</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1303https"'">ONOS-1303</a>] -         Modify existing ONOS code to switch over to the new shared facility as appropriate
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1330https"'">ONOS-1330</a>] -         Modify multi to single point intent driver function to accept multiple ingress devices instead of just two
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1345https"'">ONOS-1345</a>] -         Design a new topology (or SB) event test
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1346https"'">ONOS-1346</a>] -         Test for intent re-route latency
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1348https"'">ONOS-1348</a>] -         refactor all perf test scripts to adopt new application activation method
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1349https"'">ONOS-1349</a>] -         refactor switch/link latency test for CI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1350https"'">ONOS-1350</a>] -         refactor flow subsystem TP test for CI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1351https"'">ONOS-1351</a>] -         refactor Intent TP test for CI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1352https"'">ONOS-1352</a>] -         refactor Intent Latency test for CI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1353https"'">ONOS-1353</a>] -         Resolve Perf test result discrepancies
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1361https"'">ONOS-1361</a>] -         document for wiki
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1362https"'">ONOS-1362</a>] -         Support AsyncConsistentMap for async interaction with Consistent data store
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1367https"'">ONOS-1367</a>] -         Extend LeadershipService with Administrative interface
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1368https"'">ONOS-1368</a>] -         Get app status driver function
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1369https"'">ONOS-1369</a>] -         driver function around onos:apps
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1370https"'">ONOS-1370</a>] -         driver function around onos:app
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1371https"'">ONOS-1371</a>] -         driver function to activate an ONOS app
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1372https"'">ONOS-1372</a>] -         driver function to deactivate an ONOS app
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1373https"'">ONOS-1373</a>] -         driver function to uninstall an ONOS app
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1375https"'">ONOS-1375</a>] -         modify create cell driver function to use the new onos app subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1394https"'">ONOS-1394</a>] -         Add number of iterations and last modified to IntentData
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1395https"'">ONOS-1395</a>] -         Recompile/install intents that fail in IntentManager
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1398https"'">ONOS-1398</a>] -         Add CORRUPT state
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1402https"'">ONOS-1402</a>] -         Substitute Docker with LXC
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1405https"'">ONOS-1405</a>] -         Implement persistent store using MapDB
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1406https"'">ONOS-1406</a>] -         Measure performance of persistence vs no persistence
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1417https"'">ONOS-1417</a>] -         Driver function to check unique app ids
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1420https"'">ONOS-1420</a>] -         TestON Drivers: Include support for a list of apps
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1426https"'">ONOS-1426</a>] -         Configuration subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1427https"'">ONOS-1427</a>] -         Application subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1428https"'">ONOS-1428</a>] -         Core distribution mechanisms
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1446https"'">ONOS-1446</a>] -         Site selection
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1448https"'">ONOS-1448</a>] -         ONOS cluster installation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1461https"'">ONOS-1461</a>] -         Create process/object for dealing with CORRUPT 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1462https"'">ONOS-1462</a>] -         recompute intents from the pending map if they are stuck there
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1486https"'">ONOS-1486</a>] -         OpenWRT as a residential gateway
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1487https"'">ONOS-1487</a>] -         ONT + PMC Sierra 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1489https"'">ONOS-1489</a>] -         Order server
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1498https"'">ONOS-1498</a>] -         Implement TestON driver function for adding MPLS intent
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1512https"'">ONOS-1512</a>] -         Pull port stats from ROADM and add to core
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1532https"'">ONOS-1532</a>] -         Obtain Spirent traffic generators
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1574https"'">ONOS-1574</a>] -         Add status verification to point to point intent
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1575https"'">ONOS-1575</a>] -         Add status verification to multi-to-single point intent 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1576https"'">ONOS-1576</a>] -         Add status verification to single to multi point intents
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1578https"'">ONOS-1578</a>] -         Update ProdFunc test to use the new ONOS App subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1579https"'">ONOS-1579</a>] -         Update MultiProd test to use the new ONOS App subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1581https"'">ONOS-1581</a>] -         Add single to multi point intents to Att topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1582https"'">ONOS-1582</a>] -         Add single to multi point intent to Chordal topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1583https"'">ONOS-1583</a>] -         Add single to multi point intent to Spine topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1613https"'">ONOS-1613</a>] -         Investigate how to create vlans with mininet
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1626https"'">ONOS-1626</a>] -         Implement DNS packet in packet library
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1640https"'">ONOS-1640</a>] -         Test Application for Atomic Counters
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1641https"'">ONOS-1641</a>] -         Test Application for Distributed Set
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1651https"'">ONOS-1651</a>] -         reactive routing design and implementation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1652https"'">ONOS-1652</a>] -         Reset the existing OF office access point and install the latest stable OpenWRT fimware (14.07))
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1658https"'">ONOS-1658</a>] -         The HA design and discussion
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1659https"'">ONOS-1659</a>] -         HA implementation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1660https"'">ONOS-1660</a>] -         virtual gateway design and discussion
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1661https"'">ONOS-1661</a>] -         virtual gateway implementation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1670https"'">ONOS-1670</a>] -         write wiki document for virtual gateway
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1675https"'">ONOS-1675</a>] -         Add OMS, OCH and ODUCLT port classes and attributes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1686https"'">ONOS-1686</a>] -         Implement single to multipoint intent test script in Functionality test
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1688https"'">ONOS-1688</a>] -         Brainstorm and finalize on new functionality topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1689https"'">ONOS-1689</a>] -         Segregate all test cases/scripts and group them to cover each functionality/feature
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1691https"'">ONOS-1691</a>] -         Add glyph to the device details panel (topo view)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1692https"'">ONOS-1692</a>] -         Add glyph to the device details panel (device table view)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1693https"'">ONOS-1693</a>] -        ] - Create the flow table view on the client-side
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1694https"'">ONOS-1694</a>] -         Generate tabular flow data on the server side
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1702https"'">ONOS-1702</a>] -         Provision 2 new NETGEAR routers as RGs
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1712https"'">ONOS-1712</a>] -         Implement cross-connect operation using FlowRule API
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1713https"'">ONOS-1713</a>] -         Implement cross-connect operation using FlowRule API
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1730https"'">ONOS-1730</a>] -         Create Mininet config file for new topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1737https"'">ONOS-1737</a>] -         Create a new Jenkins Job Specific for Optical Test
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1744https"'">ONOS-1744</a>] -         Simplify test results pages on wiki
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1754https"'">ONOS-1754</a>] -          - Install Dell R410 servers as compute nodes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1769https"'">ONOS-1769</a>] -         Define a class representing frequency
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1771https"'">ONOS-1771</a>] -         Create HA Test cases for sets and counters
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1823https"'">ONOS-1823</a>] -         Basic Multi-instance validation on Dell switches without triggering any control plane failures
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1825https"'">ONOS-1825</a>] -         Multi-instance test validations on Dell
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1832https"'">ONOS-1832</a>] -         Verify TestON single-instance test2 is passing with ONOS-1786 changes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1833https"'">ONOS-1833</a>] -         Enabling other TestON single-instance tests with different topologies with changes from ONOS-1786 and ONOS-1791
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1838https"'">ONOS-1838</a>] -         State replication of neighbor-set to next objective in SR group handler to handle multi-instance scenarios
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1840https"'">ONOS-1840</a>] -        ] - Reorganize functionality tests into new format
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1869https"'">ONOS-1869</a>] -         Provide CLI support on tunnel subsystem for QA purposes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1870https"'">ONOS-1870</a>] -         Provide CLI support on Label subsystem for QA purposes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1871https"'">ONOS-1871</a>] -         Provide CLI support on flowrule subsystem extension for QA purposes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1873https"'">ONOS-1873</a>] -         Implement Instructions for Packet + Optical
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1875https"'">ONOS-1875</a>] -         Support new Instructions in InstructionCodec
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1876https"'">ONOS-1876</a>] -         Add unit tests for ModL0OchSignal
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1884https"'">ONOS-1884</a>] -         Add REST API
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1886https"'">ONOS-1886</a>] -         Move wpa_supplicant to OVS internal interface
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1942https"'">ONOS-1942</a>] -         HA test on Cardinal RC
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1953https"'">ONOS-1953</a>] -         Cable up switches and servers
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1961https"'">ONOS-1961</a>] -         Application Subsystem documentation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1964https"'">ONOS-1964</a>] -         Incubator region documentation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1971https"'">ONOS-1971</a>] -         Host intents Test
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1972https"'">ONOS-1972</a>] -         Point Intent Test
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1973https"'">ONOS-1973</a>] -         Single Point to Multi Point intents
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1974https"'">ONOS-1974</a>] -         Muti Point to Single Point intents
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1975https"'">ONOS-1975</a>] -         Update wiki on HA Test plan &amp; results
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1984https"'">ONOS-1984</a>] -         Add VLAN host intent
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1985https"'">ONOS-1985</a>] -         Add VLAN point intent
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2028https"'">ONOS-2028</a>] -         Component Subsystem REST API documentation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2039https"'">ONOS-2039</a>] -         Add VLAN point to multi point intent
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2040https"'">ONOS-2040</a>] -         Add VLAN multi point to point intent
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2072https"'">ONOS-2072</a>] -         Add option in startNet function in mininet driver to start mininet using sudo mn
<h2>        Bug
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-179https"'">ONOS-179</a>] -         Channel in AbstractOpenFlowSwitch should be private
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-180https"'">ONOS-180</a>] -         Make sure shutdown behaviour is clean
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-260https"'">ONOS-260</a>] -         Ping cannot go through when both P2P and H2H intent configured 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-262https"'">ONOS-262</a>] -         Intent stays in INSTALLING state after it is added back from removed list
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-376https"'">ONOS-376</a>] -         Can&#39;'t handle intents causing exception/error properly
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-428https"'">ONOS-428</a>] -         Implement DistributedLockManager&#39;'s listener management
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-437https"'">ONOS-437</a>] -         Host intents have no flows after some ONOS nodes restart
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-458https"'">ONOS-458</a>] -         Topology View: host link labels still visible when hosts are hidden
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-459https"'">ONOS-459</a>] -         Topology View: orphaned link labels
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-709https"'">ONOS-709</a>] -         After killing one of the node of ONOS cluster, the node didn&#39;'t disappear.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-838https"'">ONOS-838</a>] -         Foo app&#39;'s pom.xml specifies old version as parent pom
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-905https"'">ONOS-905</a>] -         Intent disappears after 3 of 7 ONOS nodes restart
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-960https"'">ONOS-960</a>] -         Signed/unsigned value mismatch for OpenFlow-related match/action conditions
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-991https"'">ONOS-991</a>] -         Event handling in OpenFlowRuleProvider
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1012https"'">ONOS-1012</a>] -         TCP checksum error when using with IPv6
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1013https"'">ONOS-1013</a>] -          - UDP checksum error when using with IPv6
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1142https"'">ONOS-1142</a>] -         LeadershipEvent serialization exception
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1153https"'">ONOS-1153</a>] -         Switch interfaces appearing as hosts when using IPv6
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1160https"'">ONOS-1160</a>] -         Sends group stats not only to OF1.3 switch also to OF1.0 switch
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1167https"'">ONOS-1167</a>] -         NPE in UI Topo view
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1174https"'">ONOS-1174</a>] -         Mininet start/stop LINC switch should also take care of cross-connects
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1182https"'">ONOS-1182</a>] -         In multi-instance scenario, random default flows stuck in PENDING_ADD state even if flows have been installed in the dataplane
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1183https"'">ONOS-1183</a>] -         Same intent can be installed multiple times when installed through single node
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1184https"'">ONOS-1184</a>] -         Pre installed host intent does not work if the host entries were not present in ONOS during install
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1186https"'">ONOS-1186</a>] -         Exception when stoping onos with switches connected
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1190https"'">ONOS-1190</a>] -         DistributedLeadershipManager exceptions
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1197https"'">ONOS-1197</a>] -         NPE in EventuallyConsistentMapImpl: Exception thrown handling put
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1205https"'">ONOS-1205</a>] -         Netty exception while shutting down
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1215https"'">ONOS-1215</a>] -         Intents sometimes get stuck in INSTALLING phase when recompiled due to switch disconnect
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1221https"'">ONOS-1221</a>] -         Nodes don&#39;'t correctly rejoin partitions when restarted
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1254https"'">ONOS-1254</a>] -         push-test-intents results in flows stuck in PENDING_ADD state
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1308https"'">ONOS-1308</a>] -         a>] - High topology events latency with multiple ONOS nodes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1316https"'">ONOS-1316</a>] -         Kryo buffer underflow
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1327https"'">ONOS-1327</a>] -         IntentPerfInstaller does not read in numNeighbors from config file
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1339https"'">ONOS-1339</a>] -         IntentPerfInstaller overall rate decreases during 5min TP test, when in cluster mode
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1366https"'">ONOS-1366</a>] -         ConsistentMap: Unable to commit writes in a 2node cluster
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1376https"'">ONOS-1376</a>] -         App command silently handles incorrect commands
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1383https"'">ONOS-1383</a>] -         When using null link provider sometimes all links do not show up 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1384https"'">ONOS-1384</a>] -         FlowRuleIntent class not registered with kryo
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1390https"'">ONOS-1390</a>] -          - NettyMessagingService handler exception when running &quot;"intent-perf&quot;" for about 4~5min
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1403https"'">ONOS-1403</a>] -         Link reroute broken
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1409https"'">ONOS-1409</a>] -         Ping through host intent fails and log show PathNotFoundException
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1414https"'">ONOS-1414</a>] -         Phantom hosts discovered
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1415https"'">ONOS-1415</a>] -         Device event timestamp mismatch between &quot;"topology-events&quot;" and &quot;"topology-events-metrics&quot;
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1418https"'">ONOS-1418</a>] -         App command will sometimes not work
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1429https"'">ONOS-1429</a>] -         metrics app still working after being deactivated
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1434https"'">ONOS-1434</a>] -         - balance-masters command not working in latest master branch
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1441https"'">ONOS-1441</a>] -         DistributedFlowRuleStore doesn&#39;'t remove flows for disconnected devices
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1463https"'">ONOS-1463</a>] -         NPE at Preconditions.checkNotNull &amp; unable to purge intent
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1471https"'">ONOS-1471</a>] -         Speed up Raft leader election when there is a single node.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1480https"'">ONOS-1480</a>] -         Running in to low memory issue on ONOS VMs during CHO test
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1485https"'">ONOS-1485</a>] -         Gossip Store Exceptions when running onos-null with metrics
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1506https"'">ONOS-1506</a>] -         Flows are added and hosts can ping each other even when an intent in WITHDRAWN state
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1520https"'">ONOS-1520</a>] -         Intents View tablebody too short compared to tablehead
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1539https"'">ONOS-1539</a>] -         &quot;] - "remove-intent&quot;" then tab, shows application modules instead of remove options
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1594https"'">ONOS-1594</a>] -         add-mpls-intent command line autocomplete third option shows wrong value
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1595https"'">ONOS-1595</a>] -         REST DELETE request to an endpoint that does not support it gives 500 error
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1598https"'">ONOS-1598</a>] -         NPE in FlowObjectiveManager when a device disconnects
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1601https"'">ONOS-1601</a>] -         Exception caught when issue &quot;roles&quot;"roles" cli command (which takes long time to return)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1602https"'">ONOS-1602</a>] -         cfg command does not respect the -j option
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1604https"'">ONOS-1604</a>] -         Flows are not added/sync&#39;'ed across ONOS nodes after topology bringup
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1609https"'">ONOS-1609</a>] -         IllegalArgumentExceptions at OVSCorsaPipeline and interface
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1610https"'">ONOS-1610</a>] -         Exception in DefaultDrivers activate method when starting ONOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1628https"'">ONOS-1628</a>] -         NPE in HostLocationProvider
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1629https"'">ONOS-1629</a>] -         Seeing poor Cbench results due to some regression issue
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1630https"'">ONOS-1630</a>] -         Candidates list does not sync with two instances
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1631https"'">ONOS-1631</a>] -         Kryo serialization memory leak
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1635https"'">ONOS-1635</a>] -         Apps startup fails with Exceptions
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1647https"'">ONOS-1647</a>] -         onos-app-fwd adding flows after ONOS restart even though it is deactivated
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1663https"'">ONOS-1663</a>] -         FlowRule subsystem extension refactor
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1671https"'">ONOS-1671</a>] -         Switch (OVS 2.3) assigned to one instance of ONOS causes &#39;'PORT_STATS_UPDATE&#39;' DeviceEvent Every 10 seconds, skewing Performance Results
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1672https"'">ONOS-1672</a>] -         copycat log synchronization issue
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1673https"'">ONOS-1673</a>] -         Fail fast when DatabaseManager does not start up cleanly
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1676https"'">ONOS-1676</a>] -         getCounters returns a set containing the counters from both the partitioned database and the in memory map
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1677https"'">ONOS-1677</a>] -         Restoration of p2p or h2h intents after link failure is not working
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1678https"'">ONOS-1678</a>] -         TopoView - empty detail panel when navigating away and back
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1683https"'">ONOS-1683</a>] -         Remove OpenFlow device drivers
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1715https"'">ONOS-1715</a>] -         NPE in &quot;nodes&quot;"nodes" command 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1731https"'">ONOS-1731</a>] -         IllegalStateException: No feature matching for openflow &amp; proxyarp during bootup
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1736https"'">ONOS-1736</a>] -         Warnings pop up when uninstalling apps
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1741https"'">ONOS-1741</a>] -         Packet request flows should be handled separately from app flows
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1746https"'">ONOS-1746</a>] -         Packet request flows stuck in PENDING_ADD state
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1751https"'">ONOS-1751</a>] -         Onos karaf clean not compatible with ubuntu onos VM
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1755https"'">ONOS-1755</a>] -         Topology View -- panel not large enough for data
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1768https"'">ONOS-1768</a>] -         Tooltip from previous view appears on new view
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1779https"'">ONOS-1779</a>] -         obs fails sometimes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1782https"'">ONOS-1782</a>] -         Switch links are showing up as hosts sometimes after ONOS retarts
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1784https"'">ONOS-1784</a>] -         onos app cfgs are missing 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1792https"'">ONOS-1792</a>] -         Missing rules for some subnets attached to Dell leaf segment routers
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1797https"'">ONOS-1797</a>] -         Flows are not removed on ONOS and Switches after host-intent removal
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1798https"'">ONOS-1798</a>] -         Can no longer balance masters after the migration to Raft based device mastership
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1799https"'">ONOS-1799</a>] -         Host intent default treatment is set to DROP after install
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1802https"'">ONOS-1802</a>] -         The new asynchronous behavior of MastershipService.requestRoleFor(DeviceId) can cause NPEs
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1874https"'">ONOS-1874</a>] -         mastership &quot;weirdness&quot;
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1883https"'">ONOS-1883</a>] -         Links disappear when devices change master
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1890https"'">ONOS-1890</a>] -         low IntentPerf rate when caught ONOS (log) ERROR
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1893https"'">ONOS-1893</a>] -         Device mastership transfer does not update the switches.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1894https"'">ONOS-1894</a>] -         Ping stops after host-intent transitions to INSTALLED state, some flows are missing
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1895https"'">ONOS-1895</a>] -         Always the first node in 5-node cluster fails to come up after system:shutdown
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1897https"'">ONOS-1897</a>] -         onos-app-samples/calendar
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1905https"'">ONOS-1905</a>] -         No leader elected for a device with all nodes in the standby queue
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1908https"'">ONOS-1908</a>] -         Exception when serializing optical port descriptions
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1909https"'">ONOS-1909</a>] -         StorageException when activating FlowRuleManager
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1910https"'">ONOS-1910</a>] -         NPE in DeviceManager when disconnecting from switch
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1913https"'">ONOS-1913</a>] -         Update tests/drivers to match new json output
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1917https"'">ONOS-1917</a>] -         Services (Application,hosts, etc.) not working
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1922https"'">ONOS-1922</a>] -         KryoExceptions at org.onosproject.core.ApplicationRole
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1926https"'">ONOS-1926</a>] -         Unsupported match field is not handled properly
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1928https"'">ONOS-1928</a>] -         Topology View Panel resize on window resize
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1948https"'">ONOS-1948</a>] -         Topology not correctly discovered when restarting ONOS cluster
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1950https"'">ONOS-1950</a>] -         NPE when calling &#39;'onos:intents -p -j&#39;
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1951https"'">ONOS-1951</a>] -         Multi-instance instability
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1958https"'">ONOS-1958</a>] -         fix bug in showing tunnel attributes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1959https"'">ONOS-1959</a>] -         fix bug in query subscription command in Tunnel management
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1965https"'">ONOS-1965</a>] -         Deadlock can occur when a old candidate restarts and does not re-enter ledership race
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1966https"'">ONOS-1966</a>] -         Links are temporarily lost when restarting ONOS nodes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1967https"'">ONOS-1967</a>] -         Missing mastership events on mastership rebalancing
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1981https"'">ONOS-1981</a>] -         Listeners exceeded execution time limit
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1986https"'">ONOS-1986</a>] -         Intents update failed after link up/down (re-route case) in CHO
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2003https"'">ONOS-2003</a>] -         Some intents didn&#39;'t reroute on link down
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2011https"'">ONOS-2011</a>] -         store the Path of the tunnel in the store
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2014https"'">ONOS-2014</a>] -         Compile and install PMC OLT software
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2015https"'">ONOS-2015</a>] -         Some devices have no ports after ONOS cluster restart
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2016https"'">ONOS-2016</a>] -         remove to check parameters iif they are null in the construtors of DefaultTunnel.e.g
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2018https"'">ONOS-2018</a>] -         Fix the bug that the src/dst end point of  Vlan-type tunnel is the instance of OpticalTunnelEndPoint
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2022https"'">ONOS-2022</a>] -         LINC-OE doesn&#39;'t start up
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2025https"'">ONOS-2025</a>] -         Host Intents are moving to CORRUPT state after adding (CHO Test)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2029https"'">ONOS-2029</a>] -         Optical intents not working ( Optical app issue )
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2030https"'">ONOS-2030</a>] -         PCEP provider is unable to publish the device to ONOS 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2031https"'">ONOS-2031</a>] -         Cbench test return &quot;0&quot;"0" and &quot;"Received unknown Barrier Reply&quot; msg
<" msg</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2032https"'">ONOS-2032</a>] -         Switches disconnected after link up/down in CHO test with handshaker.NiciraSwitchHandshaker broken pipe
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2033https"'">ONOS-2033</a>] -         Groups view - Buckets need to be one on each line
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2037https"'">ONOS-2037</a>] -         flows -j breaks after adding point intents (update REST codec)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2045https"'">ONOS-2045</a>] -         /a>] - Adding optical intents via CLI does not work for TL1-based providers
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2046https"'">ONOS-2046</a>] -         Port class type is incorrect in certain cases
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2063https"'">ONOS-2063</a>] -         Intent throughput performance drop off
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2070https"'">ONOS-2070</a>] -         Unable to process port stats due to NPE
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2088https"'">ONOS-2088</a>] -         java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to allocate ID block
<h2>        Epic
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-643https"'">ONOS-643</a>] -         We need to complete integration tests for SDN-IP
<h2>        Improvement
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-181https"'">ONOS-181</a>] -         Default FlowRules
<a>] - Default FlowRules</li>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-961https"'">ONOS-961</a>] -         Supports Group stats in EventHandler of OpenFlowController
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1247https"'">ONOS-1247</a>] -         LinkCollectionIntent instances created without using Intent.constraints()
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1424https"'">ONOS-1424</a>] -         Distributed Default Rule management
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1433https"'">ONOS-1433</a>] -         Distributed Group Store: Avoid two EC maps for the same data with different keys
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1593https"'">ONOS-1593</a>] -         Remove Duplicated Interfaces in org.onlab.packet.TCP
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1650https"'">ONOS-1650</a>] -         Add port names for TL1 providers
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1674https"'">ONOS-1674</a>] -         Allow full long value to be used as port number
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1756https"'">ONOS-1756</a>] -        ] - Improve CLI auto completers
<h2>        New Feature
<<h2>New Feature</h2>
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2007https"'">ONOS-2007</a>] -         add RemoveTunnelByIdCommand
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2008https"'">ONOS-2008</a>] -         add UpdateTunnelBandWithCommand
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2009https"'">ONOS-2009</a>] -         add QueryAllTunnelsCommand
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2010https"'">ONOS-2010</a>] -         add queryAllTunnels api in TunnelService and TunnelStore
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2017https"'">ONOS-2017</a>] -         add the method of querying in SB
<h2>        Story
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-79https"'">ONOS-79</a>] -         a>] - Move Distributed Flow Rule Store backups out of Hazelcast
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-86https"'">ONOS-86</a>] -         Topology View details pane for edges (links)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-100https"'">ONOS-100</a>] -         Topology View toolbar - add first set of toggle buttons
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-406https"'">ONOS-406</a>] -         DistributedIdBlockStore durability
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-453https"'">ONOS-453</a>] -         Topology View: Custom Map
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-454https"'">ONOS-454</a>] -         Topology View: Subnet Sprites
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-533https"'">ONOS-533</a>] -         The ON.Lab Copyright year should be updated to include 2015
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-642https"'">ONOS-642</a>] -         Define a network configuration API for ONOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-646https"'">ONOS-646</a>] -         Test IPv6 with SDN-IP
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-660https"'">ONOS-660</a>] -         Design interfaces for multiple table aware FlowRuleService
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-662https"'">ONOS-662</a>] -         Add a virtual gateway for SDN network
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-679https"'">ONOS-679</a>] -         Design interfaces for new Group subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-682https"'">ONOS-682</a>] -         Implement multiple table features in FlowRule subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-684https"'">ONOS-684</a>] -         Implement new Match and Actions for FlowRule
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-685https"'">ONOS-685</a>] -         Implement Network Config Manager
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-688https"'">ONOS-688</a>] -         Porting Tunnel policy
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-701https"'">ONOS-701</a>] -         MPLS label manager API
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-743https"'">ONOS-743</a>] -         ONOS CLI JSON generation should use same codecs as REST Apis
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-778https"'">ONOS-778</a>] -         Define Group Subsystem Northbound Interfaces
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-908https"'">ONOS-908</a>] -         Add Single to Multi &amp; multi to single point intents test to CHO on all 3 topologies (ATT, Chordal, Spine)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-917https"'">ONOS-917</a>] -         Implement a new Group subsystem - provider part
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-920https"'">ONOS-920</a>] -         Test, Profile, Optimization ONOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-929https"'">ONOS-929</a>] -         Explicitly check &quot;nodes&quot;"nodes" when an ONOS node restarts
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-958https"'">ONOS-958</a>] -         Implement a Group action
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1035https"'">ONOS-1035</a>] -         Intent subsystem cleanup
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1060https"'">ONOS-1060</a>] -         Introduce &quot;CORRUPT&quot;"CORRUPT" intent state to represent certain irrecoverable error states
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1079https"'">ONOS-1079</a>] -         Implement Ciena TL1-based southbound for ROADMs
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1087https"'">ONOS-1087</a>] -         Implement core extensions
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1090https"'">ONOS-1090</a>] -         PCE extensions
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1108https"'">ONOS-1108</a>] -         Create a demo VM to demonstrate easily the features of SDN-IP and packet-optical
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1109https"'">ONOS-1109</a>] -         Understanding the logistic to connect GEANT network with Internet2 testbed.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1143https"'">ONOS-1143</a>] -         Tooltip Service
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1148https"'">ONOS-1148</a>] -          - Improve ONOS application permissions
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1150https"'">ONOS-1150</a>] -         Security-mode ONOS system design
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1211https"'">ONOS-1211</a>] -         Refactor CHO code
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1223https"'">ONOS-1223</a>] -         mpls label new feature
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1232https"'">ONOS-1232</a>] -         Topology View toolbar - add next set of buttons
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1233https"'">ONOS-1233</a>] -         Topology View toolbar - add third set of buttons
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1234https"'">ONOS-1234</a>] -         Topology View toolbar - add layer filter radio button set
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1235https"'">ONOS-1235</a>] -         Common web-socket for all GUI views
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1242https"'">ONOS-1242</a>] -         a>] - Add the ability to withdraw an intent using the REST API
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1248https"'">ONOS-1248</a>] -         host inside the SDN network need to be reachable and communicate from/to outside
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1278https"'">ONOS-1278</a>] -         Create Tabular View of Hosts
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1279https"'">ONOS-1279</a>] -         Create Tabular View of Cluster Nodes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1280https"'">ONOS-1280</a>] -         Create Tabular View of Links
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1281https"'">ONOS-1281</a>] -         Tabular view of device flows
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1282https"'">ONOS-1282</a>] -         Create Tabular View of Intents
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1283https"'">ONOS-1283</a>] -         MPLS Label Manager Framework 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1284https"'">ONOS-1284</a>] -         Tunnel Manager Framework 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1301https"'">ONOS-1301</a>] -         Shared system timer and executor services - base
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1304https"'">ONOS-1304</a>] -         Shared system timer and executor services - configurability
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1312https"'">ONOS-1312</a>] -         Add single-to-multipoint intent driver function in onosclidriver
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1314https"'">ONOS-1314</a>] -         Refactor multi-to-single-point intent TestON driver to accept N number of IngressDevices
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1323https"'">ONOS-1323</a>] -         Upgrade to Apache Karaf 3.0.3
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1329https"'">ONOS-1329</a>] -         Migrate JSON Codecs to a bundle, which could be used by other apps
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1337https"'">ONOS-1337</a>] -         Add durability option to EventuallyConsistentMap
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1341https"'">ONOS-1341</a>] -         TestON driver changes required to support the new ONOS app system
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1347https"'">ONOS-1347</a>] -         Performance Test Refactoring for CI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1354https"'">ONOS-1354</a>] -         Leadership service to support predictable handover of leadership
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1355https"'">ONOS-1355</a>] -         Intent cleanup for flow-rule system failures
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1356https"'">ONOS-1356</a>] -         Host Location Tracking for Intents
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1357https"'">ONOS-1357</a>] -         Provide a builder pattern for EventuallyConsistentMap
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1358https"'">ONOS-1358</a>] -         Testing Reactive routing in NFV environment 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1360https"'">ONOS-1360</a>] -         Update tutorial VM for 1.1.0
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1380https"'">ONOS-1380</a>] -         Enable a user to create and remove optical-intents from CLI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1385https"'">ONOS-1385</a>] -         Complete Blackbird Performance &amp; Scalability white paper
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1386https"'">ONOS-1386</a>] -         Infrastructure setup spring - Setup the development environment as per ONOS Wiki guidelines.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1399https"'">ONOS-1399</a>] -         Create presentation for International SDN/OF deployments
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1411https"'">ONOS-1411</a>] -         As a user, I would like to have consistency between ports reported in the CLI and in the GUI.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1416https"'">ONOS-1416</a>] -         Mobile GUI support: Topology View pan and zoom via touch
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1423https"'">ONOS-1423</a>] -         Better multi table support - FlowObjectiveService
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1425https"'">ONOS-1425</a>] -         Update Wiki contents for Blackbird functionality
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1440https"'">ONOS-1440</a>] -         Implement port statistics framework in core
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1442https"'">ONOS-1442</a>] -         - Sortable Tables - Implement Column Comparators and Formatters
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1443https"'">ONOS-1443</a>] -         Implement group bucket statistics updation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1444https"'">ONOS-1444</a>] -          Group handling logic to create groups on-demand when they are not created by default
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1449https"'">ONOS-1449</a>] -         Rebuild Null Provider for consistent operations
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1466https"'">ONOS-1466</a>] -         Internet as a service task-add vBNG
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1467https"'">ONOS-1467</a>] -         First draft of software architecture and components
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1469https"'">ONOS-1469</a>] -         Device View: include ID of master instances
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1473https"'">ONOS-1473</a>] -         Add a cli command for inspecting different consistent maps in the cluster
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1474https"'">ONOS-1474</a>] -        ] - DeviceView: display device details pane on selection
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1475https"'">ONOS-1475</a>] -         Tabular views adjusted to have no bottom margin
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1476https"'">ONOS-1476</a>] -         Device View: display columns for count of device ports and egress links
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1477https"'">ONOS-1477</a>] -         Navigation Menu: glyphs on menu items
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1478https"'">ONOS-1478</a>] -         Navigation Menu: segmentation into categories
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1491https"'">ONOS-1491</a>] -         Refactoring of flow rule populator using the new objectives(?) subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1492https"'">ONOS-1492</a>] -         Obtain radius configuration from AT&amp;T
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1494https"'">ONOS-1494</a>] -         ONOS interface to XOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1495https"'">ONOS-1495</a>] -          - Implement Functionality test to verify VLAN intents
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1497https"'">ONOS-1497</a>] -         Add required TestON driver functions for component configuration CLI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1505https"'">ONOS-1505</a>] -         Refactoring of default group handler using the new objectives subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1513https"'">ONOS-1513</a>] -         Port TestOn automated tests for Segment Routing
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1515https"'">ONOS-1515</a>] -         Try single instance fabric control on Dell switches
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1516https"'">ONOS-1516</a>] -         Multi-instance fabric control on Dell switches
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1517https"'">ONOS-1517</a>] -         Setup Dell switches in leaf-spine topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1521https"'">ONOS-1521</a>] -         Create new TestON tests for leaf-spine topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1522https"'">ONOS-1522</a>] -        ] - Sticky user preferences
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1526https"'">ONOS-1526</a>] -         Setup VPN connection to Fujitsu lab
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1530https"'">ONOS-1530</a>] -         Port BGP Router app to use new flow Objectives
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1531https"'">ONOS-1531</a>] -         Validate Corsa operation with new flow Objectives on TestOn automated test cases
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1543https"'">ONOS-1543</a>] -         Write wiki page that describes how to install ONOS on CentOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1552https"'">ONOS-1552</a>] -         Create OF-DPA driver for BGP Router flow Objectives
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1553https"'">ONOS-1553</a>] -         Spec out and purchase servers &amp; optics for BGP Router
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1557https"'">ONOS-1557</a>] -         Discuss CoVisor integration into ONOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1559https"'">ONOS-1559</a>] -          - Create a Performance short test for regression purpose
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1572https"'">ONOS-1572</a>] -         Test switch with ONOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1573https"'">ONOS-1573</a>] -         Add status verification to CHO test cases
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1577https"'">ONOS-1577</a>] -         Update Functionality Test (Prod/MultiProd) to use the new app sub-system
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1580https"'">ONOS-1580</a>] -         Modify pingall function in Mininet driver ( )
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1590https"'">ONOS-1590</a>] -         Add a config to launch SpringOpenTTP driver for SegmentRoutingApp
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1591https"'">ONOS-1591</a>] -         Display flash messages for actions in the Topology View toolbar
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1597https"'">ONOS-1597</a>] -         All add intent type CLI should allow setting the appId option
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1599https"'">ONOS-1599</a>] -         Implement a LogicalClockService
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1605https"'">ONOS-1605</a>] -         Investigate and build a simple MPLS Functionality test framework on TestON
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1612https"'">ONOS-1612</a>] -         Tab completion for component properties with the cfg cli command
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1615https"'">ONOS-1615</a>] -         Update DB for QA tests on ONOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1616https"'">ONOS-1616</a>] -         Deploy the machine in the server room for CORD
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1619https"'">ONOS-1619</a>] -         NPE in FlowObjectiveManager when processing DEVICE_ADDED event
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1634https"'">ONOS-1634</a>] -         Office network: substitute generic access points with OF (OpenWRT + OVS) access points.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1644https"'">ONOS-1644</a>] -         Deploy ONOS and SDN-IP on FIU and AMLight production networks (first two nodes: FIU + Reclara + 2 ONOS instances + SDN-IP)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1645https"'">ONOS-1645</a>] -         Migrate Dell - Segment Routing switches to rack 4
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1656https"'">ONOS-1656</a>] -         Port LinkResourceStore to use LeadershipService
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1657https"'">ONOS-1657</a>] -         FlowRuleStore using LeadershipService
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1668https"'">ONOS-1668</a>] -         Migrate Quanta/OF-DPA based BGP Router to Rack 4 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1669https"'">ONOS-1669</a>] -         Write unit tests for TableBuilder Service
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1681https"'">ONOS-1681</a>] -         Modify flowrules to accept table ids
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1685https"'">ONOS-1685</a>] -         Functionality Test Enhancements (new topology)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1690https"'">ONOS-1690</a>] -         Topology View details pane buttons
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1696https"'">ONOS-1696</a>] -         Create XOS UI view for Subscriber
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1698https"'">ONOS-1698</a>] -         a>] - Investigate additional GEO maps
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1699https"'">ONOS-1699</a>] -         GUI Wiki documentation
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1700https"'">ONOS-1700</a>] -         Resolve IntentTP drop issue 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1705https"'">ONOS-1705</a>] -         SDN-IP testing code update
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1706https"'">ONOS-1706</a>] -         Replicate tests for multi-instance
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1707https"'">ONOS-1707</a>] -         Automatic reports to IP/optical team of test results
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1708https"'">ONOS-1708</a>] -         Create simple VLAN forwarding app for fabric
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1709https"'">ONOS-1709</a>] -         Create DB tables and views for ONOS functional tests
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1710https"'">ONOS-1710</a>] -         Implement Fujitsu TL1-based southbound for ROADMs
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1711https"'">ONOS-1711</a>] -         Implement Huawei PCEP-based southbound for ROADMs
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1734https"'">ONOS-1734</a>] -         FlowObjectiveManager distributes next id
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1739https"'">ONOS-1739</a>] -         Add host intents in IP/Optical Tests
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1740https"'">ONOS-1740</a>] -         Make ONOS extraneous flow rule deletion configurable
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1747https"'">ONOS-1747</a>] -         Update GUI version before Cardinal release
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1748https"'">ONOS-1748</a>] -         Create workaround to avoid port_stats_updated DeviceEvent timestamps
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1752https"'">ONOS-1752</a>] -         Update container environment for ONOS Cardinal testing
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1766https"'">ONOS-1766</a>] -         Fix the BgpRouter TestON environment according to the change of application packaging 
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1783https"'">ONOS-1783</a>] -         Refresh button on all GUI tabular views
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1786https"'">ONOS-1786</a>] -         Supports link failure and recovery using objective subsystem
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1791https"'">ONOS-1791</a>] -         Push MPLS rules at edge segment routers
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1794https"'">ONOS-1794</a>] -         Make gossip store aware of port types
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1796https"'">ONOS-1796</a>] -         Feature Test Improvements using New Topology (Story for Sprint-5)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1803https"'">ONOS-1803</a>] -         LINC port descriptions do not carry optical information
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1810https"'">ONOS-1810</a>] -         Introduce Tunnels &amp; Tunnel-Flow Policy handling
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1817https"'">ONOS-1817</a>] -         Flow Statistics (Packets and Bytes) to be displayed in Flow table
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1819https"'">ONOS-1819</a>] -         Display per device Group information (both group description and group statistics)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1820https"'">ONOS-1820</a>] -         Display per device port statistics
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1822https"'">ONOS-1822</a>] -         Display traffic flow visualization using port statistics
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1831https"'">ONOS-1831</a>] -         TestON: Segment Routing single-instance testcase fixing and validation  
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1834https"'">ONOS-1834</a>] -         Verify Data plane recovery feature on Dell switches with ONOS-1786 changes
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1839https"'">ONOS-1839</a>] -         SR group handler should avoid creating all default groups again during port down and link up event
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1842https"'">ONOS-1842</a>] -         Refactor Tabular View to have better table resizing behavior
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1843https"'">ONOS-1843</a>] -         Clean up HA Tests
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1847https"'">ONOS-1847</a>] -          - Refactor device details panel to be a custom directive
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1852https"'">ONOS-1852</a>] -         Documentation for writing a new driver
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1853https"'">ONOS-1853</a>] -         Performing system tests in Deployment VM
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1861https"'">ONOS-1861</a>] -         enable vBNG to deal with the silent hosts
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1863https"'">ONOS-1863</a>] -         enable startMonitorHost with configuration file
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1867https"'">ONOS-1867</a>] -         Implement TrafficTreatments for Packet + Optical
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1868https"'">ONOS-1868</a>] -         Implement TrafficSelectors for Packet + Optical
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1877https"'">ONOS-1877</a>] -         Remove user input when starting multi-layer topology
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1878https"'">ONOS-1878</a>] -         a>] - Setup VPN connection to Huawei lab
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1889https"'">ONOS-1889</a>] -         Driver Inheritance mechanism
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1892https"'">ONOS-1892</a>] -         wiki of vBNG
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1915https"'">ONOS-1915</a>] -         Modify point intents in old functionality tests
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1927https"'">ONOS-1927</a>] -         Run Cbench on a Single node in multi Instance Bare Metal ONOS cluster
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1929https"'">ONOS-1929</a>] -         Merge all messaging substrates.
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1933https"'">ONOS-1933</a>] -         CORD Subscriber Login View
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1934https"'">ONOS-1934</a>] -         CORD Subscriber Dashboard View
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1936https"'">ONOS-1936</a>] -         - CORD Subscriber Edit Bundles - URL filtering
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1937https"'">ONOS-1937</a>] -         CORD Subscriber Users View
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1938https"'">ONOS-1938</a>] -         CORD Subscriber Edit User Profile
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1939https"'">ONOS-1939</a>] -         CORD Subscriber - Proxy to XOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1947https"'">ONOS-1947</a>] -         Tunnel management improvements
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1949https"'">ONOS-1949</a>] -         Integrate vBNG and test it in demo environment
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1956https"'">ONOS-1956</a>] -         Ensure incubating features are in onos-incubator
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1960https"'">ONOS-1960</a>] -         Wiki update for Cardinal
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1970https"'">ONOS-1970</a>] -         Intent Functionality Test suite
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1979https"'">ONOS-1979</a>] -         Modify arping in mininet and remote minient drier to add another option for VLAN &quot;"-I &lt;node-interface&gt;&quot;
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1980https"'">ONOS-1980</a>] -         Translation of Lambdas for Linc-OE
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1990https"'">ONOS-1990</a>] -         Add delete vBNG feature
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1992https"'">ONOS-1992</a>] -         Make intent clean-up configurable
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2042https"'">ONOS-2042</a>] -         Adding new function in onosclidriver for summary command
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2048https"'">ONOS-2048</a>] -         Release resources when removing intents
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2049https"'">ONOS-2049</a>] -         Allow creation of optical circuit intents via CLI
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2050https"'">ONOS-2050</a>] -        ] - Merge loxigen patchset by Calient
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2065https"'">ONOS-2065</a>] -         Intents in FAILED state (Optical Test)
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2066https"'">ONOS-2066</a>] -         add command line for vBNG
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-2083https"'">ONOS-2083</a>] -         add REST API to vBNG to get the map
<h2>        Task
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1164https"'">ONOS-1164</a>] -         Review available NETCONF client libraries and find out the one that is most suitable
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1445https"'">ONOS-1445</a>] -         Add new app sub system to CHO
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1460https"'">ONOS-1460</a>] -         Debug BGP router jenkins job failure
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1596https"'">ONOS-1596</a>] -         Add driver function in onosclidriver to check intents state
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1618https"'">ONOS-1618</a>] -         Install OpenStack and XOS
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1643https"'">ONOS-1643</a>] -         Add driver function in onosclidriver to check flows state
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1719https"'">ONOS-1719</a>] -         Update runOpticalMnScript function in remote mininet driver
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1789https"'">ONOS-1789</a>] -         Define Lambda type
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1790https"'">ONOS-1790</a>] -         Define OchSignal class
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1844https"'">ONOS-1844</a>] -         Define a Criterion for OchSignal
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1845https"'">ONOS-1845</a>] -         Define a Criterion for IndexedLambda
 <li>[<a href='ONOS-1846https"'">ONOS-1846</a>] -         Define a Criterion for OchSignalType