Versions Compared


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Karaf's CLI commands are useful for managing the bundles (modules) that comprise the running ONOS instance. For example, list can be used to show all loaded modules:

Code Block
onos> list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50 
 ID | State  | Lvl | Version          | Name
 37 | Active |  80 | 0.0.0            | samples                               
 41 | Active |  80 | 2.6              | Commons Lang                          
 42 | Active |  80 | 3.3.2            | Apache Commons Lang                   
156 | Active |  80 | 1.1.0.SNAPSHOT   | onos-core-common                      
157 | Active |  80 | 1.1.0.SNAPSHOT   | onos-core-dist                        
158 | Active |  80 | 1.1.0.SNAPSHOT   | onos-core-serializers                 
159 | Active |  80 | 1.1.0.SNAPSHOT   | onlab-netty                           
168 | Active |  80 | 1.1.0.SNAPSHOT   | onos-app-proxyarp 

Modules can also be loaded/unloaded from the CLI. For example, to unload the proxy ARP application above:

Code Block
onos> feature:uninstall onos-app-proxyarp

And to load it in:

Code Block
onos> feature:install onos-app-proxyarp
