HAstopNodes at 21 Feb 2016 01:42:14
commit 26fc83431ed197bcaaaa4354929bf848ca195b2e (HEAD, review/madan_jampani/intent-perf)
Author: Madan Jampani [madan.jampani@gmail.com]
AuthorDate: Fri Feb 19 16:03:20 2016 -0800
Commit: Madan Jampani [madan.jampani@gmail.com]
CommitDate: Fri Feb 19 16:03:50 2016 -0800
DO NOT MERGE: For testing intent perf regression
Case 1: Setting up test environment - FAIL
Setup the test environment including installing ONOS, starting Mininet and ONOScli sessions.
- 1.1 Create cell file - No Result
- 1.2 Applying cell variable to environment - No Result
- 1.3 Starting Mininet - PASS
- 1.4 Git checkout and pull master - No Result
- 1.5 Using mvn clean install - PASS
- 1.6 Creating ONOS package - PASS
- 1.7 Installing ONOS package - PASS
- 1.8 Checking if ONOS is up yet - PASS
- 1.9 App Ids check - FAIL
- Something is wrong with app Ids
Case 2: Assigning devices to controllers - PASS
Assign switches to ONOS using 'ovs-vsctl' and check that an ONOS node becomes the master of the device.
- 2.1 Assign switches to controllers - PASS
Case 8: Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology - No Result
- 8.1 Comparing ONOS topology to MN topology - FAIL
- ONOS topology don't match Mininet
- 8.2 Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes - FAIL
- ONOS nodes have different views of hosts
- 8.3 Hosts information is correct - FAIL
- Host information is incorrect
- 8.4 Host attachment points to the network - PASS
- 8.5 Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes - PASS