In attendance:

Greg Whelan, Greywhale Insights

David Boswell, ON.LAB

Meredith Solberg, The Linux Foundation

Kirsten Evans, The Linux Foundation

Charles Hughes, Huawei

Amy Cong, Huawei


  1. ONOS Build Summary Recap: 
    1. Event was well-attended and very successful. Captured great photos. Beautiful space.
    2. ONOS Build Survey Results:
      1. Majority indicated they’re more likely to contribute to ONOS moving forward. Positive feedback about the content being useful. Good technical level and helpful sessions. Ambassadors can re-use the content.
      2. A larger post-mortem discussion will take place tomorrow on the Community Steering Team call planned for tomorrow.
  2. TMF blog - In progress will post before end of week.
  3. Intel’s Hacker Dojo Event Dec. 7-9. On Dec. 8 there’ll be a 2-hour ONOS-specific session. VM Development Lab @ Hacker Dojo. Will have an introductory overview of ONOS. Meredith will follow-up with Eva for further details to promote on social. Charlie inquired about promoting this on the Wiki as a dedicated page. David and Charlie will connect offline about creating this.
  4. Amy Cong made an introduction. She works for Huawei and recently joined the team. She will be supporting Eva and Charlie.
  5. Greg inquired about replicating the ONOS Build event for CORD Project. CORD and ONOS are in different project phases. Once CORD becomes more mature and we have a group of existing communities we’ll focus on deepening that.
  6. Meredith shared an update that she and Sarah met with Guru, Bill and David at ON.Lab last week to discuss 2017 PR roadmap. Our heavy press release pipeline focusing on new technical contributions does a good job reaching our niche networking press friendlies. In 2017 our focus will be on elevating the ONOS and CORD stories to reach new and broader media and analyst audiences who have not covered us as much to-date. To start this effort we will conduct a stakeholder audit, meeting with ONOS and CORD board members to hear their higher level vision for the projects. That will inform our brand narratives for the two projects, and going into the new year we’ll pitch more stories about use cases, deployments etc.
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