=Meeting Summary 

Note Taker: May Chen


Date: 1/25/2017

Participants: David, Meredith, Lillian, Eva, May


1. Promote more participants in marketing project

Some of the suggestions

1) Create critical mass first, David will have offline discussion with May on some of the potential participants  to form core team

2)Make the marketing call to become working sessions- communicate status, deliverable decisions, activity planning, etc

3)Ask key companies to appoint marketing member to join

4) Marketing project team should contribute ideas on messaging, marketing events, PR, social media, promotion, etc, also should provide support to the related activities.

5)Merge ONF marketing

6)Create email alias

7)Each meeting have clear agenda to discuss


2. ONS Updates

 Meredith is working on social media, analyst interview etc,

Aseem is planning the ONS, is the person to go to ask ONS plan.

There will be ONOS mini-summit and CORD mini-summit in ONS, both summits are whole day events. Meredith will share summit information.


3. Others

Meredith is working new member blog, new member welcome template, MWC PR , ONF analyst outreach, ONF merger details to be out Feb 13.

Lillian is working on branding in south Korea, PR release, cord-mini summit etc


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