Official Releases

The following links allow you to download the official ONOS releases.

NameVersionJAVA APIDateFile typesRelease NotesDescription
Blackbird1.1.0-rc1API-1.1.0-rc1Feb. 28, 2015 Coming soon 
Avocet1.0.0API-1.0.0Dec. 5, 2014zip, tar.gzRelease Notes for 1.0.0First open source ONOS release
1.0.1API-1.0.1Jan. 22, 2015zip, tar.gzRelease Notes for 1.0.1Maintenance Release 1

Latest Builds

The latest builds are from the leading edge of main and are available on Jenkins.


We've created a single virtual machine image that contains a number of tutorials. All of these are based on the Avocet release.

You will need to use the given username and password to start the tutorial.

You can download the VM image here:

 IMPORTANT: If you are using Windows, you need to use 7-Zip to extract the tutorial archive.




 Basic ONOS Tutorial

Introductory tutorial for ONOS

Username: tutorial1

Password: tutorial1

SDN-IP Tutorial

Tutorial for the SDN-IP use case

Username: sdnip

Password: sdnip

Distributed Tutorial

 Building a distributed application

Username: distributed
Password: distributed

Packet-Optical Tutorial

 Packet-Optical Tutorial

Username: optical

Password: optical