
RestService is an Angular Factory in the Remote module with the name rest.js. It provides functions to make RESTful calls to the server using the $http service. To use these functions, see the documentation on injecting Angular services.

getMake a RESTful GET request.
postMake a RESTful POST request.

Function Descriptions


Make a RESTful GET request.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
rs.get(url, callback, errorCb);

url - the path to be used in the rest call (see UrlFnService for path information)

callback - function reference to be executed upon success

errorCb - function reference to be executed upon error



Make a RESTful POST request. (This function is experimental.)

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value, data, callbacks);

url - the path to be used in the rest call (see UrlFnService  for path information)

data - the data you want to POST to the server

callbacks - object containing:

success: <function reference to be executed on success>

error: <function reference to be executed on error>
