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RandomService is an Angular Factory in the Util module with the name random.js. It provides useful functions that use random numbers. To use these functions, see the documentation on injecting Angular services.

spreadGiven a value, will return a random integer between -value / 2 and value / 2.
randomDimFor a given dimension, return a number from 0 to the dimension, within constraints.

Function Descriptions


Given a value, will return a random integer between -value / 2 and value / 2.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
rs.spread(s);s - any number

given some value, s, returns an integer between -s/2 and s/2

 Example: s = 100; result in the range [-50..50)


For a given dimension, return a number from 0 to the dimension, within constraints.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
rs.randomDim(d);d - any number

for a given dimension, d, returns a random value somewhere between 0 and d where the value is within (d / (2 * sqrt(2))) of d/2.

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