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System Env:

  • Server: Dual XeonE5-2670 v2 2.5GHz; 64GB DDR3; 512GB SSD
  • 1Gbps NIC
  • JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS:--Xms8G -Xmx8G}"

ONOS Apps:

  • drivers, openflow

ONOS Config:

  • cfg set org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.IntentConfigurableRegistrato useFlowObjectives true (when using flow objective intents compiler)

Note: Test is designed to run up to 1M intents.



Bar chart for Number of Installed Intents/Flow  Number of Intents/FlowRules (up to 1M intents) showing Max Number of Intents/FlowRules by build #

Bar chart for Number of Installed Intents/Flow with FlowObj Number of Intents/FlowRules (up to 1M intents) showing Max Number of Intents/FlowRules by build #


Max Intent Reroute test: TBD