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Ensure the prerequisite tools are installed first

To get the source code and build ONOS, all you need to do it run the following commands from Unix-like terminal (e.g. Linux, MacOS):

Build ONOS 1.14 or newer
$ bazel build onos

This will compile all source code assemble the installable onos.tar.gz, which is located in the bazel-out directory.

Or for legacy ONOS versions:

Build ONOS 1.13 or older
$ $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/onos-buck build onos --show-output

This will compile all source code assemble the installable onos.tar.gz, which is located in the buck-out directory. Note the --show-output option, which can be omitted, will display the path to this file.

To execute ONOS unit tests, including code Checkstyle validation, run the following command:

Run unit tests for ONOS 1.14 or newer
$ bazel query 'tests(//...)' | xargs bazel test

Or for legacy ONOS versions:

Run unit test for ONOS 1.13 or older
$ $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/onos-buck test
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