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This page describes how to set up the gateway node using vRouter based on the original descriptions (links below) from Hyunsun Moon.





1. Pre-requisite

  1. Prepare two nodes, one for router (which corresponds to the physical router when deployed in physical environment) and the gateway. 
  2. OVS 2.3 must be installed already. If not, please install OVS following the previous WIKI page (SONA Installation Guide).

  3. Docker needs to be installed on the two machines. Please install docker referring to the following link.
  4. Install Quagga image and script in each node as following.

    $ git clone https://github.com/hyunsun/docker-quagga
    $ sudo docker pull hyunsun/quagga-fpm
  5. Remove bridges in gateway node if any. OVSDB port must be already set.

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Manager "ptcp:6640"

2. Router Configuration

  1. Create a OVS bridge in all hosts and make a tunnel between them. If the hosts are in the same broadcast domain, you can simply add the physical interface to the OVS bridge.

    $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex
    $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex vxlan -- set interface vxlan type=vxlan options:remote_ip=x.x.x.x [Gateway IP address]
    $ sudo ip link set br-ex up
  2. Pick any subnet range to use for the connection between containers and add one of the IP to the br-ex. The IP should be unique across the compute hosts. 

    $ sudo ip addr add dev br-ex

3. Gateway node Configuration

  1. Configure br-int using OpenstackNetwork node

    The network node needs to be set up as COMPUTENODE as the only br-int is set in the network config file.

    "org.onosproject.openstacknode" : {
    	"openstacknode" : {
    		"nodes" : [
    			"hostname" : "compute-01",
    			"ovsdbIp" : "",
    			"ovsdbPort" : "6640",
    			"bridgeId" : "of:0000000000000001",
    			"openstackNodeType" : "COMPUTENODE"
    			"hostname" : "network",
    			"ovsdbIp" : "",
    			"ovsdbPort" : "6640",
    			"bridgeId" : "of:0000000000000003",
    			"openstackNodeType" : "COMPUTENODE"

    The br-int needs to be as below by activating OpenstackNode app in ONOS.

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Manager "ptcp:6640"
        Bridge br-int
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port vxlan
                Interface vxlan
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key=flow, remote_ip=flow}
            Port br-int
                Interface br-int
  2. Configure br-ex bridge

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex vxlan-ex -- set interface vxlan-ex type=vxlan options:remote_ip=x.x.x.x[Router IP address]
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip link set br-ex up

    The "vxlan" port name has been already taken by the bridge br-int, and we need to pick a different one such as vxlan-ex.

  3. Pick any subnet range for br-ex

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip addr add dev br-ex

  4. Check if they can ping each other 

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.81 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.488 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1002ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.488/1.150/1.813/0.663 ms

4. Quagga setup in router node

  1. Create BGP and zebra config files as following under docker-quagga/volumes/quagga with the name of bgpd.conf and zebra.conf. No modification for zebra.conf is required but hostname.

    Router node
    ! -*- bgp -*-
    ! BGPd sample configuration file
    hostname router
    password zebra
    router bgp 65100
      bgp router-id
      timers bgp 3 9
      neighbor remote-as 65101
      neighbor ebgp-multihop
      neighbor timers connect 5
      neighbor advertisement-interval 5
    ! neighbor default-originate
    log file /var/log/quagga/bgpd.log
  2. Run run.sh to create a quagga container. The script helps to create a container with two interfaces, one is attached to the docker0 and the other is to br-ex. The IP address of the container must be the range you picked.

    sangho@router:~/docker-quagga$ ./run.sh router 00:00:00:00:01:00
    Error response from daemon: No such container: router
    Error response from daemon: No such container: router
    Warning: arping not found; interface may not be immediately reachable
    sangho@router:~/docker-quagga$ sudo docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                         NAMES
    f834da31a942        hyunsun/quagga-fpm   "/usr/bin/supervisord"   32 seconds ago      Up 31 seconds       179/tcp, 2601/tcp, 2605/tcp   router
  3. Turn on the NAT feature using iptables as follows:

    sangho@router:~/docker-quagga$sudo docker exec -d router iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

5. Quagga set up in gateway node

  1. Create two ip links and add the two ports to the two bridges.

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip link set veth0 up
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip link set veth1 up
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip link add veth2 type veth peer name veth3
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip link set veth2 up
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ip link set veth3 up
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int veth2
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex veth1
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Manager "ptcp:6640"
        Bridge br-int
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port vxlan
                Interface vxlan
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key=flow, remote_ip=flow}
            Port "veth2"
                Interface "veth2"
            Port br-int
                Interface br-int
        Bridge br-ex
            Port vxlan-ex
                Interface vxlan-ex
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {remote_ip=""}
            Port br-ex
                Interface br-ex
                    type: internal
            Port "veth1"
                Interface "veth1"
  2. Create a bridge br-router and connect it to br-int and br-ex using the two ip links just created in previous step.

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-router
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl set bridge br-router other-config:datapath-id=00000000000000b1
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode br-router secure
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl set bridge br-router protocols=OpenFlow13
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-router veth0
    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-router veth3
  3. Set the controller of the br-router bridge

    sangho@gatewaynode:~/docker-quagga$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller br-router tcp:

    The final bridge structure should be like below.

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Manager "ptcp:6640"
        Bridge br-int
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port vxlan
                Interface vxlan
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key=flow, remote_ip=flow}
            Port "veth2"
                Interface "veth2"
            Port br-int
                Interface br-int
        Bridge br-ex
            Port vxlan-ex
                Interface vxlan-ex
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {remote_ip=""}
            Port br-ex
                Interface br-ex
                    type: internal
            Port "veth1"
                Interface "veth1"
        Bridge br-router
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port br-router
                Interface br-router
                    type: internal
            Port "veth0"
                Interface "veth0"
            Port "veth3"
                Interface "veth3"
  4. Prepare configuration file for Quagga

    ! -*- bgp -*-
    ! BGPd sample configuration file
    hostname gateway
    password zebra
    router bgp 65101
      bgp router-id
      timers bgp 3 9
      neighbor remote-as 65100
      neighbor ebgp-multihop
      neighbor timers connect 5
      neighbor advertisement-interval 5
    ! neighbor default-originate
    log file /var/log/quagga/bgpd.log

    The network is the floating IP range of the VMs


    hostname gateway
    password zebra
    fpm connection ip port 2620

    The IP is the ONOS host IP address.

  5. Create a Quagga container for gateway node.

    sangho@gatewaynode:~/docker-quagga$ ./run.sh gateway 00:00:00:00:01:01 br-router
    Error response from daemon: No such container: gateway
    Error response from daemon: No such container: gateway
    Error response from daemon: No such container: router-ex
  6. Configure the quagga container

    sangho@gatewaynode:~/docker-quagga$ sudo docker exec -i -t gateway /bin/bash
    root@gateway:/# ip route                                                                                                     
    default via dev eth0 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src 
    root@gateway:/# route del default gw
    root@gateway:/# route add -host gw
    root@gateway:/# ip addr add dev eth1
    root@gateway:/# ip route                               via dev eth0 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src 

    Please note that the IP address is the IP address of the ONOS instance, and the is the gateway IP address of the external network subnet.

  7. Check if Quagga is running properly. The route advertised from router is NOT shown in "ip route" command results because there is no connection between two containers yet. We will connect the two containers using the vRouter application in the next step.

    root@gateway:/# telnet 2601
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Hello, this is Quagga (version 0.99.23).
    Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.
    User Access Verification
    gateway> show ip route
    Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP,
           O - OSPF, I - IS-IS, B - BGP, A - Babel,
           > - selected route, * - FIB route
    K>* via, eth0
    C>* is directly connected, lo
    C>* is directly connected, eth0
    C>* is directly connected, eth1
    C>* is directly connected, eth1

6. How to check the setup

  1. Configure the network config file for ONOS

      "userDefined" : {
        "openstacknetworking" : {
          "config" : {
            "physicalRouterMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:01",
            "gatewayBridgeId" : "of:0000000000000003",
            "routerPortInfo" : "of:00000000000000b1/2",
            "gatewayExternalInterfaceName" : "veth2",
            "gatewayExternalInterfaceMac" : "d2:b3:eb:36:bd:ae",
            "nodes" : [
                "dataPlaneIp" : "",
                "bridgeId" : "of:0000000000000001"
                "dataPlaneIp" : "",
                "bridgeId" : "of:0000000000000003"
        "apps" : {
            "org.onosproject.openstackinterface" : {
                "openstackinterface" : {
                     "neutronServer" : "",
                     "keystoneServer" : "",
                     "userName" : "admin",
                     "password" : "nova"
            "org.onosproject.openstacknode" : {
                "openstacknode" : {
                "physicalRouterMac" : "86:1e:e1:b1:85:bd",
                     "nodes" : [
                                    "hostname" : "compute-01",
                                    "ovsdbIp" : "",
                                    "ovsdbPort" : "6640",
                                    "bridgeId" : "of:0000000000000001",
                                    "openstackNodeType" : "COMPUTENODE"
                                    "hostname" : "network",
                                    "ovsdbIp" : "",
                                    "ovsdbPort" : "6640",
                                    "bridgeId" : "of:0000000000000003",
                                    "openstackNodeType" : "COMPUTENODE"
            "org.onosproject.router" : {
                "router" : {
                    "controlPlaneConnectPoint" : "of:00000000000000b1/3",
                    "ospfEnabled" : "false",
                    "interfaces" : [ "b1-1","b1-2" ]
        "devices" : {
            "of:0000000000000001" : {
                "basic" : {
                    "driver" : "sona"
            "of:0000000000000002" : {
                "basic" : {
                    "driver" : "sona"
            "of:00000000000000b1" : {
                    "basic" : {
                        "driver" : "softrouter"
            "ports" : {
                "of:00000000000000b1/1" : {
                    "interfaces" : [
                            "name" : "b1-1",
                            "ips"  : [ "" ],
                            "mac"  : "00:00:00:00:01:01"
                "of:00000000000000b1/2" : {
                    "interfaces" : [
                            "name" : "b1-2",
                            "ips"  : [ "" ],
                            "mac"  : "00:00:00:00:01:01"

    Configure the port number in network-cfg.json file following the actual port number of veth0, veth3, and quagga ports in br-router bridge, as below

    onos> ports
    id=of:000056ef75ae084d, available=true, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=Nicira, Inc., hw=Open vSwitch, sw=2.3.2, serial=None, driver=ovs, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13
    port=local, state=disabled, type=copper, speed=0 , portName=br-router, portMac=56:ef:75:ae:08:4d
    port=1, state=enabled, type=copper, speed=10000 , portName=veth0, portMac=f2:d2:c5:ab:d9:0a
    port=2, state=enabled, type=copper, speed=10000 , portName=veth3, portMac=ae:b1:e7:31:f9:9c
    port=3, state=enabled, type=copper, speed=10000 , portName=quagga, portMac=0a:0b:0d:43:7b:23

    "controlPlaneConnectPoint" : "of:00000000000000b1/3", <- port=3, state=enabled, type=copper, speed=10000 , portName=quagga, portMac=0a:0b:0d:43:7b:23

    "of:00000000000000b1/1" : { <- port=1, state=enabled, type=copper, speed=10000 , portName=veth0, portMac=f2:d2:c5:ab:d9:0a

    "of:00000000000000b1/2" : { <- port=2, state=enabled, type=copper, speed=10000 , portName=veth3, portMac=ae:b1:e7:31:f9:9c

    Also, please note that the physicalRouterMac and gatewayExternalInterfaceName should be set as below in this tutorial, and "routerPortInfo" field has been added and interface "b1-2" port information needs to be set.

    "physicalRouterMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:01"

    "gatewayExternalInterfaceName" : "veth2",

    "routerPortInfo" : "of:00000000000000b1/2",

  2. Run ONOS 

  3. Log in to ONOS and active vrouter app 

    onos> app activate org.onosproject.vrouter
  4. Check if flow rules for br-router is set properly

    sangho@gatewaynode:~$ sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-router -O openflow13
    OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
     cookie=0x520000d61801ea, duration=2.869s, table=0, n_packets=1, n_bytes=42, send_flow_rem priority=40001,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff actions=CONTROLLER:65535,output:3
     cookie=0x52000059b03701, duration=2.869s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=40001,arp,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff actions=CONTROLLER:65535,output:3
     cookie=0x520000ecd135c5, duration=2.879s, table=0, n_packets=9, n_bytes=749, send_flow_rem priority=40001,ip,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:01:01,nw_dst= actions=output:3
     cookie=0x520000ec22b9e5, duration=2.871s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=40001,ip,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:01:01,nw_dst= actions=output:3
     cookie=0x620000bbff45dd, duration=2.878s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem ip,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:01:01 actions=goto_table:1
     cookie=0x6200002a04561e, duration=2.870s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem ip,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:01:01 actions=goto_table:1
     cookie=0x620000a8d73bf3, duration=2.870s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:01:01 actions=goto_table:1
     cookie=0x6000000b56a581, duration=78.446s, table=0, n_packets=106, n_bytes=7804, send_flow_rem priority=0 actions=drop
     cookie=0x52000008b75a58, duration=2.845s, table=0, n_packets=1, n_bytes=42, send_flow_rem priority=40001,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=00:00:00:00:01:01,arp_spa= actions=CONTROLLER:65535,output:1
     cookie=0x5200003aaddbf7, duration=2.868s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=40001,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=00:00:00:00:01:01,arp_spa= actions=CONTROLLER:65535,output:2
     cookie=0x520000e7f28d92, duration=2.845s, table=0, n_packets=11, n_bytes=896, send_flow_rem priority=40001,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=00:00:00:00:01:01,nw_src= actions=output:1
     cookie=0x5200004ccf0400, duration=2.878s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=40001,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=00:00:00:00:01:01,nw_src= actions=output:2
     cookie=0x620000ba6df9ea, duration=2.873s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem ip,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_dst=01:00:5e:00:00:00/ff:ff:ff:80:00:00 actions=goto_table:1
     cookie=0x620000c0f2e241, duration=2.872s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem ip,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_dst=01:00:5e:00:00:00/ff:ff:ff:80:00:00 actions=goto_table:1
     cookie=0x1000058447161, duration=78.353s, table=0, n_packets=206, n_bytes=16686, send_flow_rem priority=40000,dl_type=0x88cc actions=CONTROLLER:65535
     cookie=0x10000151ba242, duration=78.353s, table=0, n_packets=206, n_bytes=16686, send_flow_rem priority=40000,dl_type=0x8942 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
     cookie=0x1000031c98487, duration=78.353s, table=0, n_packets=113, n_bytes=4746, send_flow_rem priority=40000,arp actions=CONTROLLER:65535
     cookie=0x6000000f1f0a8f, duration=78.446s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=0 actions=drop
  5. Please check if you can log on to the quagga at the gateway node, and now you can see that the route ( advertised from router is shown in "show ip route" command.

    sangho@gatewaynode:~/docker-quagga$ telnet 2601
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Hello, this is Quagga (version 0.99.23).
    Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.
    User Access Verification
    gateway> show ip route
    Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP,
           O - OSPF, I - IS-IS, B - BGP, A - Babel,
           > - selected route, * - FIB route
    B>* [20/0] via, eth1, 00:02:50
    C>* is directly connected, lo
    C>* is directly connected, eth0
    C>* is directly connected, eth1
    C>* is directly connected, eth1
    K>* via, eth0
  6. You can notice that the following three rules have been added in table 1, after the connection b/w two Quagga has been established by the vrouter app.

     cookie=0x520000e8946120, duration=560.541s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=64010,ip,nw_dst= actions=set_field:00:00:00:00:01:01->eth_src,set_field:fe:03:53:80:ef:46->eth_dst,output:1
     cookie=0x5200000483cbfc, duration=560.541s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=64010,ip,nw_dst= actions=set_field:fe:03:53:80:ef:46->eth_src,set_field:00:00:00:00:01:01->eth_dst,output:3
     cookie=0x62000024bd70f3, duration=11.483s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=100,ip actions=set_field:00:00:00:00:01:01->eth_src,set_field:00:00:00:00:01:00->eth_dst,output:1
  7. Check the route information in ONOS

    onos> routes
    Table: ipv4
       Network            Next Hop   
       Total: 1
    Table: ipv6
       Network            Next Hop
       Total: 0

7. How to test L3 connection using VMs

  1. Apply the simple patch 9971 (https://gerrit.onosproject.org/#/c/9971/)
  2. Activate SONA application. Here is the suggested order to launch each app.

    onos> sangho@onos:~$ /opt/onos/bin/onos
    Logging in as karaf
    415 [sshd-SshClient[6ce139a4]-nio2-thread-3] WARN org.apache.sshd.client.keyverifier.AcceptAllServerKeyVerifier - Server at [localhost/, RSA, a3:c2:9b:43:fb:11:55:a0:44:fe:40:8a:75:ec:f1:20] presented unverified {} key: {}
    Welcome to Open Network Operating System (ONOS)!
         ____  _  ______  ____     
        / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/   
       / /_/ /    / /_/ /\ \     
    Documentation: wiki.onosproject.org      
    Tutorials:     tutorials.onosproject.org 
    Mailing lists: lists.onosproject.org     
    Come help out! Find out how at: contribute.onosproject.org 
    Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
    and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
    Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown ONOS.
    onos> app activate org.onosproject.dhcp 
    onos> app activate org.onosproject.vrouter 
    onos> app activate org.onosproject.openstackinterface 
    onos> app activate org.onosproject.openstacknetworking 
  3. Create a external network and a subnet with the floating IP range used in this tutorial.
  4. Create a virtual network
  5. Create a router using the external network and add an interface using the virutal network.
  6. Create a VM using the virtual network.
  7. Create a security group to allow "ALL" incoming traffic to VMs and assign it to the VM.
  8. Create an floating IP "newly" and assign the IP to the VM
  9. You can see that a new flow rule to handle the floating IP was added in table 1 of br-router bridge, as below for example.

     cookie=0x5300009edf8e73, duration=20.629s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, send_flow_rem priority=64010,ip,nw_dst= actions=set_field:00:00:00:00:01:01->eth_src,set_field:fa:16:3e:8e:1f:c5->eth_dst,output:2

    Also, you can check that the floating IP you just added was registered as a new host in the location "of:00000000000000b1/2".

    onos> hosts
    id=00:00:00:00:01:00/None, mac=00:00:00:00:01:00, location=of:00000000000000b1/1, vlan=None, ip(s)=[]
    id=FA:16:3E:BB:2D:F4/None, mac=FA:16:3E:BB:2D:F4, location=of:0000000000000003/1, vlan=None, ip(s)=[]
    id=FA:16:3E:EB:2A:F0/None, mac=FA:16:3E:EB:2A:F0, location=of:00000000000000b1/2, vlan=None, ip(s)=[]
  10. Log on to the VM
  11. ping to 









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