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The purpose of this test is to add flows in differing REST API group types and to test the groups by sending packets using Scapy.

Test Overview

The test configuration consists of 1 ONOS node and 1 Mininet node.  The Mininet topology contains 4 hosts and 4 switches, and is read from "topo-group.py" located in /mininet/custom/.  After the initialization cases, a group with type "ALL" is tested, then a group with type "INDIRECT" is tested.

Test Case #DescriptionPass/Fail Criteria
1Initialize variables. There is an option to pull and build ONOS package.Variables are copied and environment setup passes.
2Install ONOS.ONOS setup passes.
3Start Mininet and verify topology.Mininet with topology loads, and switch assignment passes.
4Test Scapy (currently not run in test).Send and receive a packet successfully when the filter does and does not match.
5Test group with type "ALL".Group is added, flow is added to group, and Scapy packet is sent and received successfully.
6Delete group and flow.Flow is removed by device ID and flow ID, and group is deleted by device ID and app cookie.
7Test group with type "INDIRECT".Group of type "INDIRECT" is created, flow is added to group, and Scapy packet is sent and received successfully.
100Check logs for errors and warnings.N/A
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