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Test suite for the Network Configuration subsystem


The purpose of this test suite is to verify the functionality of the Network Configuration Subsystem. We will test the ability to add and distribute configurations across nodes as well as how other subsystems use these configurations. The test suite ensures the functionality of the ONOS’s ability to use the NETCONF communication protocol to configure switches.

Test Overview

This test uses a single node which will be emulated via mininet.  It will use a combination of the REST API and the ONOS CLI to connect, configure, and disconnect a device using the NETCONF protocol.  This test does not configure specific devices, but rather demonstrates the ability of ONOS to configure a device using NETCONF assuming the appropriate drivers and variables are set. The specifics of the device to be connected should be set in the .params file.


Test Case#DescriptionPass/Fail Criteria
1Set up test parameterspass: If params are set
2Set cells and build, uninstall, and install ONOSpass: If sets cells correctly and builds, uninstalls, and installs ONOS correctly
8Compare MN topology and ONOS topologypass: If ONOS topology is the same as the Mininet topology
9Report logspass
10Setup Mininet with 1.0 OVS (start mn, assign mastership to switches, and compares topology)pass: If Mininet, switch assignment and topology comparison all pass
11Setup Mininet with 1.3 OVS (start mn, assign mastership to switches, and compares topology)pass: If Mininet, switch assignment and topology comparison all pass
12Assign switch to controllerpass: If assign switch to controller successfully
14Stop Mininetpass: If Mininet stops

Add some device configurations for undiscovered devices and then check they are distributed to all nodes

pass: If the given NetCfgs are added and distributed to all ONOS nodes

Check that devices appear or don't appear in the Network Graph according to the initial NetCfgs

pass: If the allowed devices appear in the network graph and the disallowed devices don't

Add some device configurations for discovered devices and then check they are distributed to all nodes

pass: If the given NetCfgs are added and distributed to all ONOS nodes

Check that only disallowed devices disappear from the Network Graph according to the additional NetCfgs

pass: If only the diallowed devices disappear from the network graph

Remove Network Configurations using different methods. I.E. delete a device, delete multiple devices, delete all configs

pass: If the deleted NetCfgs are deleted from all nodes
25Preparing network-cfg.json to load configurationspass: If successfully copied network-cfg.json to target directory
26Check that pre-build configurations are correctpass: If pre-build configurations were set correctly
27Posting network configurations to the top level web resourcepass: If post network configuration successfully
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