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The Intent View provides a top level listing of the intents given to the controller. All Intents are displayed in tabular form. This view will be expanded on in future releases.

Each row in the table (that spans three lines) is a single intent on the network. To see more intents, scroll down inside the table body. 

Total Intents

The total number of intents on the controller is displayed in the upper left corner.

Table Body

Column Headers

The column headers for each section in the table are sortable (see tabular view page). By default, the intents are sorted in ascending order by Application ID. You can toggle between ascending and descending on any header.

Information Not Under a Header

For readability, "resources" and "details" about the intent are displayed in the lines below the other information displayed in columns.


All of the intent's resources are displayed if they are available. If there are no resources, then "(No resources for this intent)" will be displayed.


All of the intent's details are displayed if they are available. If there are no details, then "(No details for this intent)" will be displayed.

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