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titleAdding Karaf related commands to PATH

To use karaf or onos command described in following sections, $KARAF_HOME/bin needs be added to the PATH environment variable.

By default $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile expects $KARAF_HOME to be ~/Applications/apache-karaf-$KARAF_VERSION and add them to the PATH.

If you have installed Apache Karaf to a different path, define $KARAF_HOME pointing to the correct path before including $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile


Building ONOS 

ONOS uses Maven for managing the build process. To build the ONOS code-base from the top-most level, and from scratch, simply type the following: 

Code Block
$ cd ~/onos
$ mvn clean install


Code Block
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ onos-branding ---
[INFO] Installing org/onlab/onos/onos-branding/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/onos-branding-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Writing OBR metadata
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] onos-build-conf ................................... SUCCESS [0.697s]
[INFO] onos .............................................. SUCCESS [2.549s]
[INFO] onlab-utils ....................................... SUCCESS [1.521s]
[INFO] onlab-junit ....................................... SUCCESS [4.707s]
[INFO] onlab-misc ........................................ SUCCESS [8.002s]
[INFO] onlab-netty ....................................... SUCCESS [3.119s]
[INFO] onlab-nio ......................................... SUCCESS [2.048s]
[INFO] onlab-osgi ........................................ SUCCESS [0.635s]
[INFO] onlab-rest ........................................ SUCCESS [0.637s]
[INFO] onlab-thirdparty .................................. SUCCESS [2.212s]
[INFO] onos-core ......................................... SUCCESS [0.481s]
[INFO] onos-api .......................................... SUCCESS [6.186s]
[INFO] onos-core-store ................................... SUCCESS [0.641s]
[INFO] onos-core-trivial ................................. SUCCESS [3.002s]
[INFO] onos-core-net ..................................... SUCCESS [5.778s]
[INFO] onos-core-serializers ............................. SUCCESS [2.788s]
[INFO] onos-core-dist .................................... SUCCESS [8.149s]
[INFO] onos-json ......................................... SUCCESS [0.615s]
[INFO] onos-web .......................................... SUCCESS [0.533s]
[INFO] onos-gui .......................................... SUCCESS [0.888s]
[INFO] onos-rest ......................................... SUCCESS [1.886s]
[INFO] onos-cli .......................................... SUCCESS [1.163s]
[INFO] onos-of ........................................... SUCCESS [0.457s]
[INFO] onos-of-api ....................................... SUCCESS [8.798s]
[INFO] onos-providers .................................... SUCCESS [0.431s]
[INFO] onos-of-providers ................................. SUCCESS [0.473s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-device ........................... SUCCESS [1.940s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-link ............................. SUCCESS [2.042s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-host ............................. SUCCESS [1.562s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-packet ........................... SUCCESS [1.946s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-flow ............................. SUCCESS [0.821s]
[INFO] onos-lldp-provider ................................ SUCCESS [1.824s]
[INFO] onos-host-provider ................................ SUCCESS [1.672s]
[INFO] onos-of-ctl ....................................... SUCCESS [2.213s]
[INFO] onos-of-drivers ................................... SUCCESS [0.560s]
[INFO] onos-apps ......................................... SUCCESS [0.436s]
[INFO] onos-app-tvue ..................................... SUCCESS [0.625s]
[INFO] onos-app-fwd ...................................... SUCCESS [0.618s]
[INFO] onos-app-ifwd ..................................... SUCCESS [0.592s]
[INFO] onos-app-foo ...................................... SUCCESS [0.814s]
[INFO] onos-app-mobility ................................. SUCCESS [0.611s]
[INFO] onos-app-proxyarp ................................. SUCCESS [0.579s]
[INFO] onos-app-config ................................... SUCCESS [0.626s]
[INFO] onos-app-sdnip .................................... SUCCESS [5.847s]
[INFO] onos-app-calendar ................................. SUCCESS [0.631s]
[INFO] onos-app-optical .................................. SUCCESS [0.732s]
[INFO] onos-app-metrics .................................. SUCCESS [0.435s]
[INFO] onos-app-metrics-intent ........................... SUCCESS [0.639s]
[INFO] onos-app-metrics-topology ......................... SUCCESS [0.681s]
[INFO] onos-app-oecfg .................................... SUCCESS [1.282s]
[INFO] onos-features ..................................... SUCCESS [0.442s]
[INFO] onos-branding ..................................... SUCCESS [0.486s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:40.113s
[INFO] Finished at: Sat Nov 08 13:49:43 PST 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 120M/1453M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Running ONOS

ONOS may be run on the build machine directly, or packaged and launched on remote machines or VMs. This section describes both launching ONOS on the build machine (locally), and packaging and deploying on a remote (target) machine. 

Launching locally

Running locally

Initial configuration

Karaf must first be configured to load the ONOS-related modules. In apache-karaf-3.0.2/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg .

 Append the following to featuresRepositoriesAfter running maven as described in Building ONOS, karaf can be used to start ONOS and attach to its CLI:

Code Block

Append the following to featuresBoot:

Code Block

 The above loads the trivial (single-instance) ONOS core, forwarding and topology viewer applications.

 Launching ONOS

After running maven as described in Building ONOS and making the above changes, karaf can be used to start ONOS and attach to its CLI:

Code Block
$ karaf clean
Welcome to Open Networking Operating System (ONOS)!
     ____  _  ______  ____   
    / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/    
   / /_/ /    / /_/ /\ \       

Hit '<tab>' for a list of $ karaf
Welcome to Open Networking Operating System (ONOS)!
     ____  _  ______  ____   
    / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/    
   / /_/ /    / /_/ /\ \       

Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown ONOS.


Hitting At this point, typing help onos at the prompt should still bring up a list of available commands. Hitting <Ctrl-D> or logout will exit the CLI.


Launching karaf may bring up the default karaf prompt, without the 'ONOS' ASCII art. This is purely cosmetic, and shouldn't affect functionality; typing help onos at the prompt should still bring up a list of available commands.

If the branding is desired, one can move the branding bundle created during the build process to karaf's lib directory:

Code Block
$ cp ${ONOS_ROOT}/tools/package/branding/target/onos-branding-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ${KARAF_HOME}/lib/

And relaunch karaf.


Code Block
$ onos-package
-rw-r--r-- 1 onosuser wheel 34187574 Nov 8 14:52 /tmp/onos-1.0.0.onosuser.tar.gz


Code Block
$ onos
Welcome to Open Networking Operating System (ONOS)!
     ____  _  ______  ____   
    / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ __/    
   / /_/ /    / /_/ /\ \       

Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown ONOS.

If ONOS has been previously installed on a remote machine, onos-install -f [target] will force a reinstall.

Handling multiple remote targets

 of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown ONOS.

If ONOS has been previously installed on a remote machine, onos-install -f [target] will force a reinstall.

Handling multiple remote targets

For dealing with multiple remote machines, the behavior of the ONOS utilities can be streamlined by employing test cells. Test cells are discussed under Test Environment Setup in the Developer's Guide.

If Things go Wrong

Both Maven and Karaf rely on network access for some of their functionality. One of the first points to check if a build fails is to check for connectivity, and rebuild the project once it is restored.

In Karaf, connectivity issues may manifest as bundles not loading (e.g. not being able to use any ONOS-related commands, or help onos returning nothing). It may also take some time for ONOS to fully boot up, in which case some commands may not be available for the first minute or soFor dealing with multiple remote machines, the behavior of the ONOS utilities can be streamlined by employing test cells. Test cells are discussed under Test Environment Setup in the Developer's Guide.