Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.5.3:install (default-install) @ onos-branding ---
[INFO] Installing org/onlab/onos/onos-branding/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/onos-branding-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Writing OBR metadata
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] onos-build-conf ................................... SUCCESS [0.697s]
[INFO] onos .............................................. SUCCESS [2.549s]
[INFO] onlab-utils ....................................... SUCCESS [1.521s]
[INFO] onlab-junit ....................................... SUCCESS [4.707s]
[INFO] onlab-misc ........................................ SUCCESS [8.002s]
[INFO] onlab-netty ....................................... SUCCESS [3.119s]
[INFO] onlab-nio ......................................... SUCCESS [2.048s]
[INFO] onlab-osgi ........................................ SUCCESS [0.635s]
[INFO] onlab-rest ........................................ SUCCESS [0.637s]
[INFO] onlab-thirdparty .................................. SUCCESS [2.212s]
[INFO] onos-core ......................................... SUCCESS [0.481s]
[INFO] onos-api .......................................... SUCCESS [6.186s]
[INFO] onos-core-store ................................... SUCCESS [0.641s]
[INFO] onos-core-trivial ................................. SUCCESS [3.002s]
[INFO] onos-core-net ..................................... SUCCESS [5.778s]
[INFO] onos-core-serializers ............................. SUCCESS [2.788s]
[INFO] onos-core-dist .................................... SUCCESS [8.149s]
[INFO] onos-json ......................................... SUCCESS [0.615s]
[INFO] onos-web .......................................... SUCCESS [0.533s]
[INFO] onos-gui .......................................... SUCCESS [0.888s]
[INFO] onos-rest ......................................... SUCCESS [1.886s]
[INFO] onos-cli .......................................... SUCCESS [1.163s]
[INFO] onos-of ........................................... SUCCESS [0.457s]
[INFO] onos-of-api ....................................... SUCCESS [8.798s]
[INFO] onos-providers .................................... SUCCESS [0.431s]
[INFO] onos-of-providers ................................. SUCCESS [0.473s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-device ........................... SUCCESS [1.940s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-link ............................. SUCCESS [2.042s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-host ............................. SUCCESS [1.562s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-packet ........................... SUCCESS [1.946s]
[INFO] onos-of-provider-flow ............................. SUCCESS [0.821s]
[INFO] onos-lldp-provider ................................ SUCCESS [1.824s]
[INFO] onos-host-provider ................................ SUCCESS [1.672s]
[INFO] onos-of-ctl ....................................... SUCCESS [2.213s]
[INFO] onos-of-drivers ................................... SUCCESS [0.560s]
[INFO] onos-apps ......................................... SUCCESS [0.436s]
[INFO] onos-app-tvue ..................................... SUCCESS [0.625s]
[INFO] onos-app-fwd ...................................... SUCCESS [0.618s]
[INFO] onos-app-ifwd ..................................... SUCCESS [0.592s]
[INFO] onos-app-foo ...................................... SUCCESS [0.814s]
[INFO] onos-app-mobility ................................. SUCCESS [0.611s]
[INFO] onos-app-proxyarp ................................. SUCCESS [0.579s]
[INFO] onos-app-config ................................... SUCCESS [0.626s]
[INFO] onos-app-sdnip .................................... SUCCESS [5.847s]
[INFO] onos-app-calendar ................................. SUCCESS [0.631s]
[INFO] onos-app-optical .................................. SUCCESS [0.732s]
[INFO] onos-app-metrics .................................. SUCCESS [0.435s]
[INFO] onos-app-metrics-intent ........................... SUCCESS [0.639s]
[INFO] onos-app-metrics-topology ......................... SUCCESS [0.681s]
[INFO] onos-app-oecfg .................................... SUCCESS [1.282s]
[INFO] onos-features ..................................... SUCCESS [0.442s]
[INFO] onos-branding ..................................... SUCCESS [0.486s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:40.113s
[INFO] Finished at: Sat Nov 08 13:49:43 PST 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 120M/1453M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


ONOS may be run on the build machine directly, or packaged and launched on remote machines or VMs. This section describes both launching ONOS on the build machine (locally), and packaging and deploying on a remote (target) machine. 


The prerequisites for using these scripts are:

On the build machine:

  • The Apache Karaf binaries (either .zip or .tar.gz format) are available in ~/Downloads of the build machine
  • The ONOS source has been built

On the target VM:

  • The install target has a Oracle Java 8 JRE and Maven are installed
  • A user named sdn with sudo privilege exists, or, on the build machine, the ONOS_USER environment variable is set to the preferred username for the VM


Additionally, onos-install relies on ssh to deploy the package to the target machine. Therefore:


To make the process easier, password-less (e.g. key-based) login


If 1 is met, the to the VM is recommended. The onos-push-keys  utility can be used to transfer one's public keys to targets. This requires that the keys have been generated prior to using the utility. 

Additionally, the ONOS_FEATURES variable should be set to the list of modules Karaf should start up:


For dealing with multiple remote machines, the behavior of the ONOS utilities can be streamlined by employing test cells. Test cells are discussed under Test Environment Setup in the Developer's Guide.

If Things go Wrong

Maven and Karaf

Both Maven and Karaf rely on network access for some of their functionality. One of the first points to check if a build fails is to check for connectivity, and rebuild the project once it is restored.

In Karaf, connectivity issues may manifest as bundles not loading (e.g. not being able to use any ONOS-related commands, or help onos returning nothing). It may also take some time for ONOS to fully boot up, in which case some commands may not be available for the first minute or so.

Running in a VM

Make sure that the primary user in the VM (sdn) has superuser privilege, or is part of sudoers.

Also be sure that there is a .m2 directory in the user's home directory. Running Maven at least once in the VM will generate the directory. 




Previous : Getting ONOS
Next : Interacting with ONOS
