Group Subsystem Design:
High level layout of Group subsystem components is depicted below.
Group Service
Provides the following API to applications
Future<Group> CreateGroup(Device, GroupType, Collection<GroupBuckets>, GroupKey, appid)
Group GetGroup(Device, GroupKey)
void AddBucketsToGroup(Device, OldGroupKey, Collection<GroupBuckets>, NewGroupKey, appid)
void RemoveBucketsFromGroup(Device, OldGroupKey, Collection<GroupBuckets>, NewGroupKey, appid)
- void RemoveGroup(Device, GroupKey, appid)
GetAllGroups(Device, appid)
Group Types to be supported
An application specific cookie that supports Hash and Equals method
The GroupId derived from PortNumber construct
One or more collection of Traffic Treatments
Group Manager
Implements the Group Service
Handles the Group create/modify/remove operations for any devices. If the device is not under the current controller instance, Group manager uses the distributed Group store to send GROUP_ADD_REQUEST to the master controller instance of that device.
GroupId generation
Group ID space is per device.
A monotonically increasing Group ID is maintained per device that will be incremented every time a new group is created.
Group Store replicates any changes to per device Group ID to all instances in the cluster, so that any instance in the cluster can generate a Group ID for a device even if it is not master.
Creates the groups only if the device doesn’t have those groups populated. If group already exists, the APIs return with the existing group object.
Maintains monotonically increasing Group ID number space for each device
ONOS Group construct/object:
The Group Store replicates the Groups to atleast two (?) instances in the cluster similar to Flow subsystem.
Group Store will have authoritative role. i.e.
When a Device is connected to the controller, GroupStore will wipe off all extraneous groups in the device and inserts if any groups are missing
High level flow of events in the Group subsystem is depicted below when an operation like CreateGroup is submitted by the application.
Multi-instance Support
Group Provider
Provides SB APIs towards core
CreateGroup(GroupId, Buckets)
ModifyGroup(GroupId, Buckets)
OF Group Provider
Implements Group Providers interface
Builds OF GROUP_MOD (ADD/MOD/DELETE) Message depending on the API invocation and writes the message to switch driver
OF Switch Driver
No changes