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FUNCintentRest at 18 Nov 2015 05:09:41

commit dd415c31d8a0d57fbe4a3ab721e2a95d7afa4495 (HEAD, origin/onos-1.3, onos-1.3)
Author: Jonathan Hart [jono@onlab.us]
AuthorDate: Mon Nov 16 10:56:20 2015 -0800
Commit: Jonathan Hart [jono@onlab.us]
CommitDate: Mon Nov 16 14:14:24 2015 -0800

Protect against exceptions thrown in application's packet processors.

Case 1: Constructing test variables and building ONOS package - PASS

This test case is mainly for loading from params file, and pull and build the latest ONOS package

  • 1.1 Constructing test variables - PASS (tick)

Case 2: Starting up 1 node(s) ONOS cluster - PASS

Set up ONOS with 1 node(s) ONOS cluster

  • 2.1 Apply cell to environment - PASS (tick)
  • 2.2 Creating ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 2.3 Uninstalling ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 2.4 Installing ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 2.5 Starting ONOS service - PASS (tick)

Case 10: Start Mininet topology with OF 1.0 switches - PASS

Start mininet topology with OF 1.0 switches to test intents, exits out if topology did not start correctly

  • 10.1 Starting Mininet topology with OF 1.0 switches - PASS (tick)

Case 12: Assign switches to controllers - PASS

Assign OF 1.0 switches to ONOS nodes

  • 12.1 Assigning switches to controllers - PASS (tick)

Case 13: Discover all hosts - PASS

  • 13.1 Discover all ipv4 host hosts - PASS (tick)

Case 1000: Host Intents Test - 1 NODE(S) - OF 1.0 - PASS

This test case tests Host intents using 1 node(s) cluster; Different type of hosts will be tested in each step such as IPV4, Dual stack, VLAN etc; The test will use OF 1.0 OVS running in Mininet

  • 1000.1 IPV4: Add host intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.2 DUALSTACK1: Add host intents between h3 and h11 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.3 DUALSTACK2: Add host intents between h1 and h11 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.4 1HOP: Add host intents between h1 and h3 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.5 VLAN1: Add vlan host intents between h4 and h12 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.6 VLAN2: Add inter vlan host intents between h13 and h20 - PASS (tick)

Case 2000: Point Intents Test - 1 NODE(S) - OF 1.0 - PASS

This test case will test point to point intents using 1 node(s) cluster; Different type of hosts will be tested in each step such as IPV4, Dual stack, VLAN etc; The test will use OF 1.0 OVS running in Mininet

  • 2000.1 NOOPTION: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.2 IPV4: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.3 IPV4_2: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.4 SDNIP-ICMP: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.5 SDNIP-TCP: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.6 DUALSTACK1: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.7 VLAN: Add point intents between h5 and h21 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.8 1HOP: Add point intents between h1 and h3 - PASS (tick)

Case 14: Stop Mininet topology - PASS

Stopping the current mininet topology to start up fresh

  • 14.1 Stopping Mininet Topology - PASS (tick)

Case 2: Starting up 1 node(s) ONOS cluster - PASS

Set up ONOS with 1 node(s) ONOS cluster

  • 2.1 Apply cell to environment - PASS (tick)
  • 2.2 Creating ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 2.3 Uninstalling ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 2.4 Installing ONOS package - PASS (tick)
  • 2.5 Starting ONOS service - PASS (tick)

Case 11: Start Mininet topology with OF 1.3 switches - PASS

Start mininet topology with OF 1.3 switches to test intents, exits out if topology did not start correctly

  • 11.1 Starting Mininet topology with OF 1.3 switches - PASS (tick)

Case 12: Assign switches to controllers - PASS

Assign OF 1.3 switches to ONOS nodes

  • 12.1 Assigning switches to controllers - PASS (tick)

Case 13: Discover all hosts - PASS

  • 13.1 Discover all ipv4 host hosts - PASS (tick)

Case 1000: Host Intents Test - 1 NODE(S) - OF 1.3 - FAIL

This test case tests Host intents using 1 node(s) cluster; Different type of hosts will be tested in each step such as IPV4, Dual stack, VLAN etc; The test will use OF 1.3 OVS running in Mininet

  • 1000.1 IPV4: Add host intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.2 DUALSTACK1: Add host intents between h3 and h11 - FAIL (error)
    • DUALSTACK: Host intent test failed between twodual stack host using IPV4
  • 1000.3 DUALSTACK2: Add host intents between h1 and h11 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.4 1HOP: Add host intents between h1 and h3 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.5 VLAN1: Add vlan host intents between h4 and h12 - PASS (tick)
  • 1000.6 VLAN2: Add inter vlan host intents between h13 and h20 - PASS (tick)

Case 2000: Point Intents Test - 1 NODE(S) - OF 1.3 - PASS

This test case will test point to point intents using 1 node(s) cluster; Different type of hosts will be tested in each step such as IPV4, Dual stack, VLAN etc; The test will use OF 1.3 OVS running in Mininet

  • 2000.1 NOOPTION: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.2 IPV4: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.3 IPV4_2: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.4 SDNIP-ICMP: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.5 SDNIP-TCP: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.6 DUALSTACK1: Add point intents between h1 and h9 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.7 VLAN: Add point intents between h5 and h21 - PASS (tick)
  • 2000.8 1HOP: Add point intents between h1 and h3 - PASS (tick)

Case 14: Stop Mininet topology - PASS

Stopping the current mininet topology to start up fresh

  • 14.1 Stopping Mininet Topology - PASS (tick)
  • No labels