Auto-generated Swagger Documentation
ONOS uses Swagger to auto-generate REST API documentation. This can be viewed from any running ONOS instance at the following URL: http://<ONOS IP>:8181/onos/v1/docs/.
This also offers a nice way to directly run queries or copy&paste curl commands for testing. Endpoints contributed by non-core applications can be reached through the top menu.
Summary of Core APIs
Please note that the all endpoints need to be prefixed with: http://<controller IP>:8181/onos/v1/
Example: if ONOS is running on your local machine.
The entries in bold are currently implemented.
GET /devices | Lists all infrastructure devices. |
GET /devices/{deviceId} | Lists details of a specific infrastructure device. |
GET /devices/{deviceId}/ports | Lists ports of a specific infrastructure device. |
POST /devices | Creates a new infrastructure device into inventory (future). |
PUT /devices/{deviceId} | Updates a device - attributes, availability, mastership. |
DELETE /devices/{deviceId} | Deletes an infrastructure device from inventory. |
GET /links | Lists all infrastructure links. |
GET /links?{device=deviceId}{port=portNumber}{direction=[ALL,INGRESS,EGRESS]} | Lists details of a link. |
POST /links | Creates a new infrastructure link into inventory (future). |
PUT /links/{linkId} | Updates a link - attributes, e.g. type. |
DELETE /link/{linkId} | Deletes an infrastructure link from inventory. |
GET /hosts | Lists all end-stations hosts. |
GET /hosts/{hostId} | Lists details of a specific end-station host specified by the host ID. |
GET /hosts/{mac}/{vlan} | Lists details of a specific end-station host specified by the host MAC address and VLan Id. |
POST /hosts | Creates a new end-station host into inventory (future). |
PUT /hosts/{hostId} | Updates an end-station host - attributes, e.g. IP, location. |
DELETE /hosts/{hostId} | Deletes an end-station host from inventory. |
GET /topology | Gets overview of the current topology. |
GET /topology/clusters | Gets list of topology cluster overviews. |
GET /topology/clusters/{clusterId} | Gets overview of a specific topology cluster. |
GET /topology/clusters/{clusterId}/devices | Gets infrastructure devices that belong to the specified topology cluster. |
GET /topology/clusters/{clusterId}/links | Gets infrastructure links that belong to the specified topology cluster. |
GET /topology/broadcast/{connectPoint} | Gets indication whether the given point permits broadcast. |
GET /topology/infrastructure/{connectPoint} | Gets indication whether the given point belongs to network infrastructure. |
GET /paths/{elementId}/{elementId} | Gets set of pre-computed shortest paths between the specified source and destination network elements. |
POST /flows/{deviceId} | Creates a single flow rule applied to the specified infrastructure device. |
GET /flows/{deviceId} | Gets list of flow rules applied to the specified infrastructure device. |
GET /flows/{deviceId}/{flowId} | Gets details of a specified flow rule. |
GET /flows | Gets details of all flow rules in the system. |
POST /flows/ | Adds a batch of flow rules. |
DELETE /flows/{deviceId}/{flowId} | Deletes a flow rule from the specified device. |
GET /statistics/flows/link/{linkId} | Gets aggregate statistics for all flows traversing the given link. |
Flow Objectives
POST /flowobjectives/{deviceId}/filter | Creates and installs a new filtering objective for the specified device. |
POST /flowobjectives/{deviceId}/forward | Creates and installs a new forwarding objective for the specified device. |
POST /flowobjectives/{deviceId}/next | Creates and installs a new next objective for the specified device. |
GET /flowobjectives/next | Gets the globally unique nextId. |
POST /flowobjectives/policy | Installs the filtering rules onto the specified device. |
POST /groups/{deviceId} | Creates a single group entry applied to the specified infrastructure device. |
GET /groups/{deviceId} | Gets list of group entries applied to the specified infrastructure device. |
GET /groups/{deviceId}/{groupKey} | Gets details of a specified group entry. |
GET /groups | Gets details of all group entries in the system. |
DELETE /groups/{deviceId}/{groupKey} | Deletes a group entry from the specified device. |
POST /meters/{deviceId} | Creates a single meter entry applied to the specified infrastructure device. |
GET /meters/{deviceId} | Gets list of meter entries applied to the specified infrastructure device. |
GET /meters/{deviceId}/{meterId} | Gets details of a specified meter entry. |
GET /meters | Gets details of all meter entries in the system. |
DELETE /meters/{deviceId}/{meterId} | Deletes a meter entry from the specified device. |
GET /intents/{app-id}/{intent-id} | Gets the details for the given Intent object. |
GET /intents | Gets a collection containing all the Intent objects currently in the system. |
POST /intents | Creates a new Intent object. |
POST /intents | Creates a batch of Intent objects (pending -may not be included in finalized API). |
DELETE /intents/{app-id}/{intent-id} | Removes an intent from the system. |
GET /applications | Gets a list of all installed applications. |
GET /applications/{app-name} | Gets information about the named application. |
POST /applications/ | Installs application using the posted app.xml or application package file (ZIP). |
DELETE /applications/{app-name} | Uninstalls the named application. |
POST /applications/{app-name}/active | Activates the named application. |
DELETE /applications/{app-name}/active | Deactivates the named application. |
GET /applications/ids/entry | Gets applicationId entry by either id or name |
GET /applications/ids/ | Gets a list of all registered applicationIds |
Component Configuration
Each OSGI component within ONOS can have its own set of configuration values. The REST APIs present these as a map when generating JSON:
GET /configuration | Gets a list of all active components and their configuration values |
GET /configuration/{component} | Gets the configuration values for a single component |
POST /configuration/{component} | Adds a set of configuration values to a component |
DELETE /configuration/{component} | Removes the configuration values for a component and sets them back to their default values |
Previous : Appendix A : List of ONOS Test Scripts (onos-* scripts)
Next : Appendix C : Source Tree Organization
Brian Freeman
Is there a way to test this in 1.0 ? I installed the onos-rest feature but it didnt seem to change anything ?
Brian O'Connor
The base URL for the REST APIs is: http://<controller IP>:8181/onos/v1/
I can update the wiki page to reflect this.