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This article is to deploy a distribution version in production environment, not for development purpose. For developer, please read (Developer Quick Start), and other articles in the Developer Guide.

The following section describes how to install ONOS on a single target machine, running the installation steps locally (on the target machine itself).

Further sections will describe how to install one or more ONOS target machines from a centralized management machine.

The target machine will be able to eventually join other nodes in later steps, to form a cluster.


Before continuing remember to verify if you have all the requirements at this link.

ONOS default packages assume ONOS gets installed under /opt, so let's first make sure the directory exists and let's move into it

Move to /opt
sudo mkdir /opt
cd /opt

Start downloading the desired version of ONOS in tar.gz format. Choose your favorite from the ONOS website, download section (
http://downloads.onosproject.org). Copy the file downloaded or download the file directly from the target machine and put it in /opt. For example:

Download ONOS
sudo wget -c https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/onosproject/onos-releases/$ONOS_VERSION/onos-$ONOS_VERSION.tar.gz
Untar the ONOS archive into /opt
sudo tar xzf onos-$ONOS_VERSION.tar.gz

Rename the extracted directory to "onos"
sudo mv onos-$ONOS_VERSION onos

Verify that ONOS works

ONOS can be run directly calling its start-stop script, located under the /opt/onos/bin directory:

Running ONOS using its start-stop script
/opt/onos/bin/onos-service start

Alternatively, while in the bin directory, run ./onos-service start

The command name might be misleading. In this way, ONOS won't be run as a real Linux service. To do that, please follow these steps.

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