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Jenkins test result for 13:15 on Jun 25, 2015.


Test ProdFunc


Result summary for Testcase1

This testcase is testing setting up test environment


Uninstalling ONOS package successful

Installing ONOS package successful

ONOS instance is up and ready

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase4

This testcase is testing the assignment of all the switches to all the controllers and discovering the hosts in reactive mode


Controller assignmnet successful

Pingall Test in reactive mode to discover the hosts successful

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase10

This testcase uninstalls the reactive forwarding app


Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase5

This testcase is testing if all ONOS nodes are in topology sync with mininet


ONOS Topology matches MN Topology

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase6

This testcase is testing the addition of host intents and then does pingall


Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 2 in 2 seconds

Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 3 in 2 seconds

Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 4 in 2 seconds

Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 5 in 2 seconds

All ping attempts between h17 and h27have failed

Ping all test after Host intent addition failed.Cleaning up

Pingall Test after Host intents addition failed

Result: Failed

Result summary for Testcase7

This testscase is killing a link to ensure that link discovery is consistent


Killing a link to ensure that link discovery is consistent

Link Down discovered properly

Link up discovered properly

ONOS Topology matches MN Topology

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase8

This testcase removes any previously added intents before adding any new set of intents


Intent removal successful

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase9

This test case adds point intents and then does pingall


Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 2 in 2 seconds

Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 3 in 2 seconds

Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 4 in 2 seconds

Ping between h17 and h27 failed. Making attempt number 5 in 2 seconds

All ping attempts between h17 and h27have failed

Point intents have not ben installed correctly. Cleaning up

Point intents addition and Pingall Test NOT successful

Result: Failed

Result summary for Testcase8

This testcase removes any previously added intents before adding any new set of intents


Intent removal successful

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase11

This testcase moves a host from one switch to another to addpoint intents between them and then perform ping


Point intents for hosts on same devicesinstalled correctly. Cleaning up

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase8

This testcase removes any previously added intents before adding any new set of intents


Intent removal successful

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase2

This testcase is testing a switch down discovery


Killing a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly

Deleting s28

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase20

This testcase exits the mininet cli and reinstallsONOS to switch over to Packet Optical topology


ONOS instance is up and ready

Result: Pass

Result summary for Testcase21

This testcase starts the packet layer topology and REST


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