Versions Compared


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  1. Download the source code. If you already have Mininet installed in your system, run the following script - it will download the CPqD software switch and try to install it.

    Code Block
    mininet/util/ -3f
  2. Or you can download from the CPqD github repo. Check if you can compile it. It may fail ... 

    Code Block
    git clone
    cd ~/ofsoftswitch13
    sudo make install
  3. If your compile step failed go to this page fix this issue. Once you can successfully compile, go to the next step.


  4. Once the switch compiles, we are unfortunately not done yet. There are some bugs in the switch, which we have fixed. So we need to patch the code with these fixes. Why patch? Why did we not just submit our fixes upstream so everyone can benefit from our fixes? Well the answer is that while we have made fixes, we have made them in a hacky way - we have taken shortcuts just to make things work and move on because of the tight deadlines in this project. Hopefully these issues will be fixed in a clean way by the switch maintainers. For now, we need to patch the code. To start with we need to go back to the specific checkin on which the patch applies. In the ofsoftswitch13 folder, enter

    Code Block
    git checkout -b cpqd-spring 36738aeb3501f66fb382e7b59138c88e8843b19c
  5. Now when you do 'git log' you should see this

    Code Block
    mininet@mininet-vm:~/ofsoftswitch13$ git log
    commit 36738aeb3501f66fb382e7b59138c88e8843b19c
    Author: Jean Tourrilhes <>
    Date:   Mon Aug 25 17:00:13 2014 -0700
        Fix a few more warnings.
    commit bd8e7b68951c5ef2293d0a0e45c89b265a2eba17
    Author: Jean Tourrilhes <>
    Date:   Mon Aug 25 16:50:09 2014 -0700
        Finish reverting EXT-192/EXT-276 Role Status (1.4 feature).
  6. Download the following patch: patchfile-cpqd

    You can apply the patch with the command

    Code Block
    patch -p0 < patchfile_-cpqd 
  7. Now if you do 'git status', you should see something like

    Code Block
    mininet@mininet-vm:~/ofsoftswitch13$ git status
    On branch cpqd-spring
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    	modified:   oflib/oxm-match.c
    	modified:   secchan/port-watcher.c
    Untracked files:
      (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  8. Finally, compile again

    Code Block
    mininet@mininet-vm:~/ofsoftswitch13$ make
    mininet@mininet-vm:~/ofsoftswitch13$ sudo make install

Now you are ready to use the switch in Mininet. See Configuring CPqD Software Switches.